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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:57 pm

First topic message reminder :

Terdapat pertentangan di antara WALUBI (Buddha) dan MAKIN (Konghucu) dimana kelenteng dijadikan rebutan. Umat Konghucu bilang kelenteng milik Konghucu sementara orang Buddha mengatakan bahwa kelenteng itu lebih berpihak pada agama Buddha.

Ketika budaya Tionghoa masih dilarang, semua kelenteng berlindung dibawah naungan agama Buddha. Namun setelah Konghucu diakui pemerintah, agama Buddha dikeluarkan dari kelenteng. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa notabene kelenteng banyak yang berunsur Buddha namun kegiatan yang menonjol berunsur Khonghucu.

Namun, pihak Taois menyatakan bahwa kelenteng adalah tempat ibadah umat Tao karena memang sebagian besar kelenteng di Indonesia adalah Kuil Agama Tao. Tapi anehnya beberapa tempat ibadah mereka malah dijadikan pusat agama Khonghucu.

Bhiksu Daoyuan (Dogen Zenji) pada zaman dahulu mengatakan bahwa sinkretisme Tridharma adalah hal yang sangat t*l*l. Sinkretisme seperti itu menunjukkan ketidakhormatan pada ajaran Buddha, Laozi, dan Khonghucu sendiri.

kalo Kristen rebutan orangnya, maka Buddha rebutan bangunannya ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:46 pm

munafik banget lo, percuma situ ngasih tulisan panjang2 gitu. jumlah kuantitas mah gak jadi jaminan buat kek gituan. basi

elo sendiri pas gw liatin kejahatan di seluruh negara buddhis sama lo, situ malah gak ngemusuhin juga padahal udah ngejahatin temen seukhuwah ente. joged

giliran masalah Islam, lu dengan vokalnya koar2 gede kek gini. ngakak

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by BiasaSaja Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:01 pm

iya2 apa kata loe deh ketawa guling

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:25 pm

Penyaran wrote:
kemaren aja ada protes gereja Tiberias Kelapa Gading juga yg protes malahan RWnya yg org Katolik ngakak :

nih, gw kopas nih usil

Alih Fungsi, Warga Kelapa Gading Tolak Gereja

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Warga RW 06 Kelurahan Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta Utara, yang terdiri dari berbagai komunitas dengan beragam agama, menolak berdirinya Gereja Tiberias yang terletak di Jalan Kelapa Nias Raya Blok HT-60, RW 06, Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta Utara. Pasalnya gereja itu berdiri di atas lahan fasilitas sosial (fasos) dan fasilitas umum (fasum) warga. Warga merasa ketidakadilan dengan hilangnya lahan fasos fasum mereka.

Mereka menyayangkan pengalihan fungsi itu kemudian dikomersilkan. "Gereja itu jatuhnya menyewa lahan, padahal lahan itu masuk fasos fasum warga di kompleks. Dugaan kita bahwa pihak gereja membayar sewa ke Pemda," kata David Tjandra Wijaya, Ketua RW 06 Kelapa Gading Barat, Selasa (10/7).

Gereja itu sendiri berdiri di atas lahan seluas 4.629 meter persegi. Banyak dampak negatif yang mereka alami dengan dialihfungsikannya lahan fasos fasum itu. Warga merasa tak lagi memiliki lahan umum yang bisa dijadikan tempat berkumpul dan beraktivitas. Warga mengaku tak lagi memiliki lahan untuk dibuat lapangan sepakbola hingga taman terbuka hijau.

"Dampak lainnya yaitu kemacetan. Karena kan tidak ada lahan parkir di sekitar sana, padahal para jemaah banyak yang membawa kendaraan pribadi," jelas wakil ketua RW 06 Kelapa Gading Barat, Priyo Budi Santoso.

Priyo melanjutkan mereka juga khawatir munculnya praktek parkir liar di sana. Untuk itu, mereka terus berjuang di ranah hukum untuk memperjuangkan kembalinya fungsi awal lahan fasos-fasum itu. Upayanya itu melalui gugatan di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN). Warga berharap kali ini hak mereka atas lahan fasos fasum itu dikabulkan di ranah hukum.

"Kita ajukan gugatan di PTUN. Kita menang di PTUN, namun mereka (Pemda) banding. Di tingkat banding kami kalah, maka kami akan ajukan kasasi," paparnya.

Sebelumnya, pengalihfungsian fasos dan fasum juga dilakukan di lahan RW 06 Kelurahan Kelapa Gading Barat. Pertamaa dengan mendirikan rumah dinas Walikota Jakarta Utara, Jalan Pelepah Elok III Blok QB. Sebelum menjadi rumah dinas walikota, lahan ini sempat dibangun gereja. Namun diubah sesuai permintaan warga.

Warga masih memaklumi jika dijadikan rumah dinas walikota. Pengalihanfungsi lainnya yaitu Gedung Sports Mall Kelapa Gading, Jalan Kelapa Nias Raya, Blok HF-3, Jakarta Utara. Untuk lahan ini, warga kalah di tingkat terakhir di ranah hukum. [ton]

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by BiasaSaja Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:36 pm

iya2 apa deh kata loe ngakak ketawa guling

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:31 pm

China and India use Buddha for regional karma

The two would-be superpowers are using their Buddhist prestige to exert influence in Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

Quote:As part of their growing competition for influence in Asia, China and India are using the Buddha as weapon: sponsoring conferences, financing religious sites, and displaying relics in countries where the religion is widely adhered to.

In December, India and Myanmar co-sponsored a three-day conference of Buddhist scholars at the Sitagu International Buddhist Academy in Yangon. India's Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid joined Myanmar's vice-president U Sai Mauk to inaugurate the conference, which brought together people from across southeast Asia.

"As the international community watches Myanmar with renewed interest, it is only apt that this important meeting of scholars - designed to provide us with a better understanding of the depth and global spread of Buddhist influences - is being organised in this golden land, Suvarnabhumi," Khurshid said in his speech.

Khurshid also attended a ceremony to mark the unveiling of a five-metre statue of the Buddha in Yangon's glittering Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar's most revered Buddhist shrine. The statue had been donated by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his visit to Myanmar in May.

Myanmar melee
Using the Buddha to culturally engage Myanmar makes sense, as nearly 90 percent of its people practice the religion. But India's actions are also seen as a response to recent, similar Chinese moves.

In November 2011, China sent a Buddha tooth relic on a mobile display to several cities in Myanmar, including former capital Yangon and present capital Naypyidaw. This relic had been preserved in Beijing's Lingguang Si Temple and it drew huge crowds of prayerful worshippers. The event was widely reported in Chinese media, and was followed by an agreement between the Lingguang Si Temple and Shwedagon Pagoda to promote religious ties between the two nations.

Myanmar is a growing focus of China-India competition. New Delhi is seeking to build roads, modernise ports and build dams to counter China's already impressive array of infrastructure projects in the country.

India is trying to improve access to its remote northeastern region by modernising the Sittwe port in Myanmar's troubled Rakhine state and dredging the Kaladan River that forms part of the border between Myanmar and India. Meanwhile, China is constructing a deep port at Kyaukpyu, also in Myanmar's Rakhine state. It is also building an oil-gas pipeline from near the new port to China's Yunnan Province to transport fuel from the Middle East, while avoiding the Malacca Straits between Malaysia and Indonesia, which Chinese strategists see as a choke point.

Diplomats say India can use its soft power in this jockeying for influence. "Buddhism in Asia is one of our greatest assets, a definite element in our soft power. And being home to the Dalai Lama, who is the acknowledged leader of a large section of the Buddhist community, gives us a major advantage," said former Indian foreign secretary Krishnan Srinivasan.

Srinivasan said China now accepts Buddhism along with other religions, and is promoting its civilisational traditions abroad. "But it has a long way to go to match India," he said, while conceding Beijing also "has far greater financial resources to deploy".

China has projected its culture through the ever-increasing number of "Confucius centres" worldwide, but has lately turned to using Buddhism.

"This is not just a defensive move by Beijing to counter global criticisms of its policy in Tibet, where more and monks are self-immolating in protest against persecution," international relations expert Sabyasachi Basu Roy Chaudhuri told Al Jazeera.

"It is also to play on religious and cultural feelings to connect to countries which are largely Buddhist. This is diplomatic pragmatism unexpected of a communist country but not unexpected of today's China."

Renovating Buddha's birthplace
In Nepal, China is financing a $3bn project to develop Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha, with a new airport, a connecting highway, hotels, convention centres, temples and a Buddhist university. In 2011, the Beijing-based Asia Pacific Exchange and Cooperation Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation to develop the project.

A few months after the China-financed Lumbini project was announced, India promptly organised a Global Buddhist Congregation through the Delhi-based Ashoka Mission. The congregation brought together top monks and nuns from across the world, and ended up endorsing the Dalai Lama, Beijing's bete noire, as Buddhists' global leader - emphasising India's central role in preserving Buddhism's ancient heritage.
The International Buddhist Confederation that emerged from this congregation, which envisaged a central role for the Dalai Lama, could act as a lever for India to counter China's moves in the Buddhist world.

In fact, Beijing raised objections to the Dalai Lama's participation in the Global Buddhist Congregation and was upset when Delhi refused to stop him from addressing its valedictory session. It angered Chinese officials enough that they delayed a round of border negotiations. The dialogue to settle the Sino-Indian border later resumed, but Beijing had made clear its displeasure.

Some see a long-term vision in the inception of the International Buddhist Confederation.

"This has been set up with much more strategic foresight than just a reaction to China's action on Lumbini," said China-watcher Binoda Mishra, head of the Calcutta-based Centre for Studies in International Relations and Development.

"It aims at nullifying Chinese future plans of securing the right to interfere in the selection of future Dalai Lamas, because Beijing wants to be the sole authority on the selection of [the] Dalai Lama in the future."

Nepal is an important buffer between India and China, and New Delhi is as uncomfortable with Beijing's growing influence there as in Myanmar.

'Strategic encirclement'

In August, India took the "Kapilavastu Relics" to Sri Lanka, which had been preserved in the National Museum in New Delhi. The relics were taken around the island nation, drawing large number of Buddhists who prayed before them.

Growing Chinese influence in Sri Lanka is also worrying India.

Indian planners worry about a "strategic encirclement" by China, which has steadily improved relations with almost all of India's neighbours: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Myanmar, a set some have called the Chinese "string of pearls".

For its part, China is worried by India's growing ties with countries such as Japan, Vietnam, Australia and others. Its strategists are concerned that the US is seeking to bring India together with these countries in order to contain China.

Beijing has asked New Delhi to back off from hydrocarbon exploration in the hotly disputed South China Sea.

With no end to the tension in site, Buddhism could well continue to be an important element of soft power that both India and China are likely to use in the years ahead to win hearts and minds across the vast continent.

But some wish the two Asian giants would work together rather than compete. "It would be good to see India and China act co-operatively to protect Asian religious heritage," said former foreign secretary Srinivasan. "But that is still some way ahead for the future."

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Fri May 10, 2013 7:52 pm

China vs. India: the battle for Buddha

China and India seek to leverage their ties to Buddhism for soft power in the region.

LUMBINI, Nepal — For a few short hours, as dancers imported from Kathmandu leapt and twirled for the bemused president of this tiny Himalayan republic, the sleepy, provincial town of Lumbini, in western Nepal, became the focus of the great chess game underway between India and China.

After a sudden, unannounced, and brief visit from Chinese premier Wen Jiabao in Kathmandu, Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav had flown in to take the stage here — at the birthplace of Buddha — to inaugurate “Visit Lumbini Year 2012” on behalf of Nepal tourism.

But as he set fire to a symbolic, Olympic-style “peace flame,” more than a few observers were wondering about the fortuitous timing of the event, which coincided, like the flourish of a magician's cape, with the preventive detention of hundreds of Nepalese Tibetans in the capital.

The detention of Tibetans is nothing new, of course. And Nepal is always rife with rumors and conspiracy theories. But for the past several months a curious mystery has unfolded around Lumbini — the latest beachhead in the quiet battle for Buddha underway between China and India.

With competing conferences, organizations, and cultural tours, both China and India have sought to leverage their historical ties with Buddhism for so-called soft power in the region.

India seeks to use its common cultural heritage to overcome China's ethnic ties to the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, and China seeks to limit the damage from its repression of religious freedom in Tibet and its incessant sparring with the Dalai Lama.

“This is part of China's effort to use Buddhism to gain an entry into Nepal, [and] to show to their Buddhists that they're showing equal attention to Buddhism outside the country,” Jayaveda Ranade, formerly additional secretary for East Asia with the Indian government, said of a Chinese proposal for the development of Lumbini.

Yadav, Nepal's president, made no mention of China before the crowd gathered at Buddha's birthplace, though in Kathmandu Wen pledged more than $140 million in aid for the building of infrastructure and other projects. Wen also agreed to consider Nepal's request to extend the 1,200 mile Qinghai-Tibet railway onward to Kathmandu and Lumbini.

“Both sides started worrying about this once the Dalai Lama started giving intimations of mortality, shall we say,” said Jabin Jacob, assistant director of the New Delhi-based Institute of Chinese Studies, an independent think tank.

“If the Dalai Lama is disappearing from the scene or he is going to be stepping back from the political scene, as he already has, then there is this huge resource lying out there untapped,” he said.

India and China: their claims to Buddhism

Born Prince Gautama Siddhartha in what is today Nepal, the Buddha achieved enlightenment, gained his spiritual following, and died (or achieved final nirvana) in India. As a result, Bodhgaya, Sarnath and Kushinagar, located in the north Indian state of Bihar, remain major pilgrimage centers for believers from around the world.

But in India Buddhism was subsumed by Hinduism, and New Delhi has done little to spread the wealth from tourism to Lumbini — which most view as less significant than the three pilgrimage sites in India. So as Nepal's tourism ministry seeks to lure 500,000 visitors to Lumbini in 2012, expectations of Indian support are not too high — though India claims to be “more than happy” to contribute.

“Most of the inter-governmental bodies are dysfunctional,” said Aditya Baral, director of the publicity department of the Nepal Tourism Board.

At the same time, even though China is notorious for its suppression of Tibetan Buddhism, and India is home to the exiled Dalai Lama, in its other forms Buddhism is reportedly the fastest-growing religion in China and accounts for only a tiny, neglected minority in the land where it originated.

And China's largesse, at least on paper, or in rumor, appears to know no bounds.

“Nearly 40 percent of Chinese believe in Buddhism. Several of the Chinese leaders themselves are practicing Buddhists, despite being members of the Communist Party,” said Shrikanth Kondapalli, a professor of Chinese studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

“So from that point of view it's quite natural for China to be interested in Buddhist

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Emiliana Fri May 31, 2013 4:50 pm

Jawabang Kang Asep:
kalau menurut hemat saya, kelenteng itu tempat ibadah agama konghucu. kalau agama Buddha kan tempat ibadahnya vihara.

Jawaban comicers (may be=Penyaran):
tapi bukannya antara kelenteng dengan wihara itu terlihat sama saja yakni bercorak Tionghoa sehingga bisa dengan mudahnya terjadi sengketa.

Klenteng di agama Buddha ya cuma tradisi, klo beribadah ya di Vihara. Dari mana sih sumbernya klo terjadi sengketa? Soalnya situ sendiri pakai frase "mudahnya terjadi sengketa", berarti itu prediksi nte ya? Bukan fakta kah?
Dan lagi ketawa guling masak sengketa itu terjadi gara vihara dan klenteng terlihat mirip? Yg bodoh yg sengekta, atau yg sdg komat-kamit ini, udah jelas bilang "mirip" berarti sadar keduanya "beda"....

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Fri May 31, 2013 4:57 pm

eh Emiliana, kamu udah ngunjungin juga rupanya TKP

elu sekalian aja tuh debat langsung ama Adminnya, Kang Asep, dia pernah belajar Buddhisme lho TKP

soalnya disini yg ngomongin Buddha jarang TKP

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Emiliana Fri May 31, 2013 5:01 pm

Ngapain di debat, Kang Asep udah pernah mendalami Buddhisme toh? Ya habis perkara, bahkan mungkin dy lbh jago dr saya...Mslh dy balik lagi ke Islam, ya urusan dy...

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Emiliana Fri May 31, 2013 5:37 pm

suruh ajah Kang Asep-nya kemari...No hard feeling

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Fri May 31, 2013 5:45 pm

pernyataan yg sama:

masuk aja ke

masuk sini aja bisa, masak disana gak bisa


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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:08 pm

lagian trit yg elu tempatin di SF Budha ini udah hampir setengah dari seluruh isinya piss

ntar kalo semuanya udah ditapakin, elu bakalan nganggur piss

jadi daripada ntar jadinya nganggur dimari mendingan aktif kesana aja piss

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by SEGOROWEDI Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:13 pm

semoga tidak berdarah-darah seperti suni vs syiah
fpi vs ahmadiyah

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:17 pm

semoga tidak kalap2 kek SEGOROWEDI habis kalah debat ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling ketawa guling

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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by SEGOROWEDI Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:17 pm


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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by Penyaran Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:28 pm

sayang banget ya, hari ini gw cuman ngedumel gak karuan sama bung wedi

si Emiliananya malah gak nongol


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Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng - Page 3 Empty Re: Buddha VS Konghucu Rebutan Kelenteng

Post by njlajahweb Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:15 pm

semua pemeluk agama pada semua agama, tidak ada yang semuanya sempurna, termasuk Kristen.

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