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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Follow_me

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Follow_me

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by musicman Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:55 am

wed....pencerahan bagi anda ngga membabi buta yah..

Inilah Pandangan Yahudi (yg selalu dibela mati-matian oleh kristen) tentang Kristen

Melalui Tulisan saya ini sebetulnya hal sederhana saja yang ingin saya sampaikan, bahwa sesungguhnya Yahudi adalah Musuh Umat Kristen dan ber-Ideologi Antichrist sejati,


....yang Sungguh menggelitik adalah hampir semua kaum Kristen khatolik, Protestan, dsb yg saya temukan dalam forum-forum diskusi dan dalam dunia real diluar sana berdiri sebagai pembela no wahid dari kaum Yahudi.

apakah mereka (dunia Kristen) tidak cukup pintarkah?...selama ini mereka tidak ingin menumpahkan kebencian mereka kepada dunia Kristen karena yahudi memang masih membutuhkan bantuan dan sokongan dunia Kristen untuk misi mereka.

Agar saya tidak disebut mengada-ada, berikut saya lampirkan sedikit dr demikian banyak pandangan yg mewakili dr Umat Kristen yg (sebetulnya) sadar bagaimana jahatnya Yahudi kepada mereka (umat Kristen)

1. Yesus oleh Michael Keene hal 145

Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Sampuyesusolehmichaelke

Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Yesusolehmichaelkeeneha

2. Memandang Yesus oleh Anton Wessels hal.23
Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Antonwesselsmemandangye

Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Antonwesselsmemandangye

coba kita lihat bagaimana pandangan mereka terhadap Yesus dan lebih menyeluruh terhadap ajaran Kristen sendiri melalui dalil-dalil dari Yahudi sendiri:

1.Yahudi percaya bahwa satu orang tidak bisa mati untuk dosa orang lain.
Jews believe that one person cannot die for the sins of another person.

2.Yahudi percaya tidak memerlukan korban darah untuk pengampunan dosa.
The God-man relationship was never limited to the animal sacrifices, nor was it ever the only means by which a human being obtained forgiveness from God for sin.

3.Yesus direbus di neraka dengan Air MAni
Jesus in hell where His punishment is "boiling in hot semen." (Talmud, Gittin 57a; Exhibit 202) The subject is identified as Jesus in a footnote, also in the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Balaam." (Exhibit 275)

4.Umat Kristen berperingkat tidak hanya sebagai binatang, seperti sisa umat manusia non-Talmud, tapi hampir sama seperti kutu (Bang**t mungkin lbh tepat), harus diberantas.
The ultimate object of hatred in Talmudic Judaism is Christ, and the targets of Talmudic hatred are not just Gentile non-Jews, "the people who are like an ass slaves who are considered the property of the master" (Talmud, Kethuboth 111a). Of these non-Jews, the Christians are most insanely hated and loathed because their doctrines are the opposite of every Talmudic doctrine. They rank not just as animals, like the rest of non-Talmudic humanity, but almost as vermin, to be eradicated. Language in the Talmud is virtually exhausted to find foul and hated names for Christians.

5. Yesus anak Haram hasil perkosaan Yoseph

Joseph Pandera rapes Mary

At the close of a certain Sabbath, Joseph Pandera, attractive and like a warrior in appearance, having gazed lustfully upon Miriam, knocked upon the door of her room and betrayed her by pretending that he was her betrothed husband, Yohanan. Even so, she was amazed at this improper conduct and submitted only against her will. Thereafter, when Yohanan came to her, Miriam expressed astonishment at behavior so foreign to his character. It was thus that they both came to know the crime of Joseph Pandera and the terrible mistake on the part of Miriam. Whereupon Yohanan went to Rabban Shimeon ben Shetah and related to him the tragic seduction.

terjemahan by sayah ;(maaf kalow amburadul)
Yusuf Pandera perkosaan Maria

Pada penutupan hari Sabat tertentu, Yusuf Pandera, menarik dan seperti seorang prajurit dalam penampilan, setelah menatap serta menginginkannya pada Miriam, mengetuk pintu kamarnya dan mengkhianatinya dengan berpura-pura bahwa ia adalah suami tunangan nya, Yohanan. Meski begitu, dia kagum akan perilaku yang tidak benar dan diserahkan hanya melawan kehendaknya. Setelah itu, ketika Yohanan datang padanya, Miriam menyatakan takjub pada perilaku begitu asing bagi karakternya. Karena itu, itu bahwa mereka berdua datang untuk mengetahui kejahatan Yusuf Pandera dan kesalahan besar pada bagian dari Miriam. Dimana Yohanan pergi ke Rabban Shimeon ben Shetah dan terkait kepadanya rayuan tragis.

6. Yesus Tukang Sihir (ahli Nujum)
"...the Toledot Yeshu relates with the most indecent details that Miriam, a hairdresser of Bethlehem,4. affianced to a young man named Jochanan, was seduced by a libertine, Joseph Panther or Pandira, and gave birth to a son whom she named Johosuah or Jeschu. According to the Talmudic authors of the Sota and the Sanhedrim, Jeschu was taken during his boyhood to Egypt, where he was initiated into the secrets doctrines of the priests, and on his return to Palestine gave himself up to the practice of magic. 5. The Toledot Yeshu, however, goes on to say that on reaching manhood, Jeschu learnt the secret of his illegitimacy, on account of which he was driven out of the Synagogue and took refuge for a time in Galilee."

terjemah amburadulnyah;
"... yang Yeshu Toledot berhubungan dengan detail yang paling tidak senonoh yang Miriam, seorang penata rambut dari Betlehem affianced dengan seorang pria muda bernama Jochanan, terbujuk oleh penggoda wanita, Yusuf Panther atau Pandira, dan melahirkan seorang putra yang ia bernama Johosuah atau Jeschu. Menurut penulis Talmud dari Sota dan dewan orang bijaksana, Jeschu diambil selama masa kanak-kanaknya ke Mesir, di mana ia diinisiasi ke dalam doktrin-doktrin rahasia dari imam, dan sekembalinya ke Palestina menyerahkan diri pada praktek sihir. para Yeshu Toledot Namun, selanjutnya mengatakan bahwa pada kedewasaan jangkauannya, Jeschu belajar rahasia haram nya, karena yang ia diusir dari rumah ibadat dan berlindung untuk waktu yang di Galilea. "

7. Kebangkitan Yesus dikutuk
Jesus' resurrection is cursed: "Woe unto him who maketh himself alive by the name of God." (Talmud, Sanhedrin 106a; Exhibit 111)

8. Umat Kristen tempatnya di neraka direbus tinja panas
Christians in hell (in the above passage) are punished by "boiling hot excrement" which is the punishment for all who mock "at the words of the sages" (i.e. the Talmud).

9. Model siksaan Yesus di neraka dengan meminum timah panas

Jesus burned, Sanhedrin 52a (Exhibit 52); manner of burning, Yebamoth 6b (Exhibit 151), verified by Jewish Encyclopedia under "Balaam" (Exhibit 274). He is "lowered into dung up to his armpits then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck and the two loose ends pulled in opposite directions forcing him to open his mouth. A wick was then lit, and thrown into his mouth so that it descended into his body and burnt his bowels his mouth was forced open with pinchers against his wishes (Exhibit 52) And: "The death penalty of 'burning' was executed by pouring molten lead through the condemned man's mouth into his body, burning his internal organs. (Exhibit 152)

terjemah amburadulnyah;
Yesus dibakar, Sanhedrin 52a (Bukti 52); cara pembakaran, Yebamoth 6b (bukti 151), diverifikasi oleh Ensiklopedia Yahudi di bawah "Bileam" (bukti 274). Dia adalah "diturunkan ke dalam kotoran sampai ketiaknya kemudian kain keras ditempatkan dalam satu lembut, luka putaran leher dan kedua ujung longgar menarik dalam arah yang berlawanan memaksa dia untuk membuka mulutnya sumbu Sebuah kemudian menyala,. Dan dibuang ke dalam mulutnya sehingga turun ke tubuhnya dan membakar isi perutnya mulutnya dibuka paksa dengan sepit melawan keinginannya (Bukti 52) dan: "hukuman mati dari 'membakar' dieksekusi dengan menuangkan timah cair melalui mulut si terhukum ke dalam nya tubuh, membakar organ internalnya. (Bukti 152)

* While it is recognized that Moslems worship the same God that we do (though calling him Allah, He is the same God of Israel), even those who follow the tenets of their religion cannot be considered righteous in the eyes of God, because they do not accept that the Written Torah in the hands of the Jews today is the original Torah handed down by God and they do not accept the Seven Laws of Noah as binding on them.

* While the Christians do generally accept the Hebrew Bible as truly from God, many of them (those who accept the so-called divinity of Jesus) are idolaters according to the Torah, punishable by death, and certainly will not enjoy the World to Come. But it is not just being a member of a denomination in which the majority are believers in the Trinity that is idolatry, but personal idolatrous practice, whatever the individual's affiliation.

Dan masih banyak lain cacian-cacian dan kebencian mendalam Yahudi kepada Umat Kristen, Maria, maupun Yesus.

Kenapa Yahudi Bermuka manis dalam Dunia nyata kepada Dunia Kristen?

Kenapa Kristen mati-matian membela Yahudi?

Siapakah yg bodoh?

**maaf pak TS...sayah mesti kasi tambahan terjemahan karena beberapa PM yg masuk ke meja sayah
terjemahan adalah di luar tanggung jawab penerjemah.


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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by SEGOROWEDI Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:09 am

musicman wrote:
Kenapa Yahudi Bermuka manis dalam Dunia nyata kepada Dunia Kristen?
Kenapa Kristen mati-matian membela Yahudi?
Siapakah yg bodoh?

- berarti mereka tidak pernah menjalankan talmudnya, beda dengan kalian
- gak mbelain kok, selama tidak benar-benar membahayakan jiwa orang lain, biarin aja mereka ngedumel sendiri, beda dengan kalian
- kalian

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by musicman Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:15 am

musicman wrote:
Kenapa Yahudi Bermuka manis dalam Dunia nyata kepada Dunia Kristen?
Kenapa Kristen mati-matian membela Yahudi?
Siapakah yg bodoh?

- berarti mereka tidak pernah menjalankan talmudnya,

Bukan..krn Yahudi masih Net*k sama Kristen..
“It is my responsibility to see that our policy in Israel fits in with our policy throughout the world; second, it is my desire to help build in Palestine a strong, prosperous, free and independent democratic state. It must be large enough, free enough, and strong enough to make its people self-supporting and secure,” President Truman said in a speech October 28, 1948.

Truman's commitment was quickly tested after Israel's victory in its War of Independence when she applied to the U.S. for economic aid to help absorb immigrants. President Truman responded by approving a $135 million Export-Import Bank loan and the sale of surplus commodities to Israel. In those early years of Israel's statehood (also today), U.S. aid was seen as a means of promoting peace.

In 1951, Congress voted to help Israel cope with the economic burdens imposed by the influx of Jewish refugees from the displaced persons camps in Europe and from the ghettos of the Arab countries.
Arabs then complained the U.S. was neglecting them, though they had no interest in or use for American aid then. In 1951, Syria rejected offers of U.S. aid. Oil-rich Iraq and Saudi Arabia did not need U.S. economic assistance, and Jordan was, until the late 1950s, the ward of Great Britain. After 1957, when the United States assumed responsibility for supporting Jordan and resumed economic aid to Egypt, assistance to the Arab states soared. Also, the United States was by far the biggest contributor of aid to the Palestinians through UNRWA, a status that continues to the present.

beda dengan kalian
- gak mbelain kok, selama tidak benar-benar membahayakan jiwa orang lain, biarin aja mereka ngedumel sendiri, beda dengan kalian
- kalian
udah kehabisan Akal apa sesak dengan Fakta..sampai Engkau OOT wed?

ketawa guling

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by Orang_Pinggiran Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:17 am

Wah dibawa dimari juga nich sama bung MM
nice info

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by SEGOROWEDI Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:14 pm

musicman wrote:
Bukan..krn Yahudi masih Net*k sama Kristen..
“It is my responsibility to see that our policy in Israel fits in with our policy throughout the world; second, it is my desire to help build in Palestine a strong, prosperous, free and independent democratic state. It must be large enough, free enough, and strong enough to make its people self-supporting and secure,” President Truman said in a speech October 28, 1948.

Truman's commitment was quickly tested after Israel's victory in its War of Independence when she applied to the U.S. for economic aid to help absorb immigrants. President Truman responded by approving a $135 million Export-Import Bank loan and the sale of surplus commodities to Israel. In those early years of Israel's statehood (also today), U.S. aid was seen as a means of promoting peace.

In 1951, Congress voted to help Israel cope with the economic burdens imposed by the influx of Jewish refugees from the displaced persons camps in Europe and from the ghettos of the Arab countries. Arabs then complained the U.S. was neglecting them, though they had no interest in or use for American aid then. In 1951, Syria rejected offers of U.S. aid. Oil-rich Iraq and Saudi Arabia did not need U.S. economic assistance, and Jordan was, until the late 1950s, the ward of Great Britain. After 1957, when the United States assumed responsibility for supporting Jordan and resumed economic aid to Egypt, assistance to the Arab states soared. Also, the United States was by far the biggest contributor of aid to the Palestinians through UNRWA, a status that continues to the present.

udah kehabisan Akal apa sesak dengan Fakta..sampai Engkau OOT wed?

ketawa guling

- dibaca juga tuh!
- njawab yang kamu tanyakan, kok OOT

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by musicman Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:30 am

musicman wrote:
Bukan..krn Yahudi masih Net*k sama Kristen..
“It is my responsibility to see that our policy in Israel fits in with our policy throughout the world; second, it is my desire to help build in Palestine a strong, prosperous, free and independent democratic state. It must be large enough, free enough, and strong enough to make its people self-supporting and secure,” President Truman said in a speech October 28, 1948.

Truman's commitment was quickly tested after Israel's victory in its War of Independence when she applied to the U.S. for economic aid to help absorb immigrants. President Truman responded by approving a $135 million Export-Import Bank loan and the sale of surplus commodities to Israel. In those early years of Israel's statehood (also today), U.S. aid was seen as a means of promoting peace.

In 1951, Congress voted to help Israel cope with the economic burdens imposed by the influx of Jewish refugees from the displaced persons camps in Europe and from the ghettos of the Arab countries. Arabs then complained the U.S. was neglecting them, though they had no interest in or use for American aid then. In 1951, Syria rejected offers of U.S. aid. Oil-rich Iraq and Saudi Arabia did not need U.S. economic assistance, and Jordan was, until the late 1950s, the ward of Great Britain. After 1957, when the United States assumed responsibility for supporting Jordan and resumed economic aid to Egypt, assistance to the Arab states soared. Also, the United States was by far the biggest contributor of aid to the Palestinians through UNRWA, a status that continues to the present.

udah kehabisan Akal apa sesak dengan Fakta..sampai Engkau OOT wed?

ketawa guling

- dibaca juga tuh!
- njawab yang kamu tanyakan, kok OOT
lha...yg gw bilang OOT emang yg maneh?

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by SEGOROWEDI Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:43 pm

njawab ini:
Kenapa Yahudi Bermuka manis dalam Dunia nyata kepada Dunia Kristen?
Kenapa Kristen mati-matian membela Yahudi?
Siapakah yg bodoh?

kok dituduh OOT

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

Post by musicman Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:21 pm

SEGOROWEDI wrote:njawab ini:
Kenapa Yahudi Bermuka manis dalam Dunia nyata kepada Dunia Kristen?
Kenapa Kristen mati-matian membela Yahudi?
Siapakah yg bodoh?

kok dituduh OOT

ketawa guling
jiah...yg gw bilang OOT tuh yg ini!
Post by SEGOROWEDI on Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:09 am
beda dengan kalian
- gak mbelain kok, selama tidak benar-benar membahayakan jiwa orang lain, biarin aja mereka ngedumel sendiri, beda dengan kalian
- kalian

baca diatas..

justru yg lo bilang itu...biar gk oot...gk campur aduk di sembarang thread..
gw buka thread baru..

gimana sih

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Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen? Empty Re: Benarkah Yahudi Adalah Kawan Sejati Umat Kristen?

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