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Realita genosida oleh kristen

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:49 am

First topic message reminder :

Kita mulai dengan kasus terbaru saja.

Bukan pembantaian etnis karena mereka sama2 orang2 Afrika, tapi yang jelas pembantaian muslim oleh kristen,
catatan pentingnya adalah penjaga keamanan yang sesama kristen hanya melihat saja, dan pelaku dibebaskan karena tidak cukup ruangan untuk memenjarakan orang ehmm

The Last Man Standing: In Memoriam, Saleh Dido.

Pria berpostur tingggi yang lahir limapuluhan tahun yang lalu itu dipilih menjadi wakil walikota Mbaiki, salah satu kota di negara Afrika tengah ketika negara itu 4 tahun sebelum dipimpin oleh presiden Muslim, Michel Djotodia yang mengundurkan diri pada January 2014 karana memburuknya kerusuhan dalam di negara tersebut . Pada saat yang tak terkendali, Pria penyayang yang memiliki beberapa anak dan satu istri ini diajak untuk meninggalkan kota di mana dia dilahirkan. Namun dengan tegas ia menjawab ajakan saudara-saudaranya:

“I was born here. I had children here. I am the deputy mayor for five years, I have sworn, I am a patriot. Why should I leave? I want to live in my country..”

“Saya lahir di sini. Saya mempunyai anak-anak di sini. Lagi pula saya adalah wakil dari walikota selama lima tahun di sini saya telah bersumpah untuk menjadi seorang pahlawan. Mengapa saya harus pergi, karna di sinilah saya ingin hidup..”

Dialah satu satunya saksi yang melihat dihancurkannya puluhan masjid dengan kedua matanya, menyaksikan masjid yang dijadikan bar untuk minum minuman keras, menjadi saksi atas ribuan orang yang dibantai sebelum 20 orang dengan senjata belati dan laras panjang rakitan mendatangi rumahnya yang terletak 300 meter dari base camp tentara perdamaian dan membunuhnya dengan terlebih dahulu seorang perempuan maju untuk memotong kemaluannya dan beberapa orang menyembelihnya.

Pria yang dengan sorot tajam matanya, dengan jas biru , berdasi loreng berdiri dengan penuh kasih di depan rumahnya dengan teras batu bata yang belum sempat dilapisi semen itu kini roboh tewas bersimbah darah dengan leher tergorok. Cita citanya untuk menjadi patriot telah terpenuhi di tangan ganas radikal Kristen Anti Balaka. Ini bukan cerita fiksi, bukan pula provokasi tapi ini adala realita genocida di Afrika tengah.

Muslim Afrika tengah juga manusia seperti anda dan kita. Mereka punya air mata di balik matanya, mereka punya darah di dalam balutan kulit hitam mereka, mereka punya hati yang merasakan perihnya siksaan dan penderitaan, masjid-masjid mereka ingin dijaga sebagaimana gereja-gereja di sini dihormati dan tidak dihancurkan sebagamaina masjid-masjid mereka sekarang ini.

Sebutlah mereka dalam doa doa anda agar kedamaian tercipta kembali dan yang bersalah harus diajukan ke pengadilan untuk menerima keadilan..jangan sebut ini kerusuhan tapi sebutlah ini terorisme yang nyata.

Kisah Tragis Saleh Dido, Bukti Pejabat CAR Tidak Anggap Pembunuhan Muslim Sebagai Kejahatan

PEMBERSIHAN etnis dari populasi Muslim di Republik Afrika Tengah (CAR) terus berlanjut karena banyak pemerintah daerah di negara itu tidak menganggap pembunuhan terhadap umat Islam sebagai kejahatan.

Setelah pecahnya kekerasan sektarian di negara itu pada Desember 2013, sebagian besar warga sipil Muslim telah melarikan diri dari negara Afrika miskin itu untuk menyelamatkan hidup mereka.

Puluhan ribu Muslim CAR yang masih tetap bertahan, terutama di bagian terpencil negara, dihadapkan dengan ancaman pembantaian oleh milisi Kristen di depan mata ribuan tentara Prancis dan pasukan penjaga perdamaian Uni Afrika yang ditempatkan di sana oleh PBB.

Saleh Dido adalah contoh dari seorang Muslim di kota Mbeki yang menolak untuk pergi meninggalkan CAR. Dia beralasan, dirinya dan keluarganya lahir di negeri ini dan sebagai patriot ia bekerja di kantor walikota kota selama lima tahun. “Mengapa saya harus pergi,” ujar Dido.

“Sisa dari komunitas Muslim meninggalkan kota tetapi ia ingin tetap tinggal,” kata otoritas lokal menceritakan tentang Dido.

Namun hanya beberapa hari yang lalu, Dido diserang oleh sekelompok pemuda Kristen di sebelah Balai Kota tempat di mana ia bekerja.

Hanya 300 meter dari lokasi dimana Dido diserang adalah pangkalan pasukan “penjaga perdamaian” Afrika yang gagal melindunginya.

Seorang kolonel di pangkalan menunjukkan capture video dari apa yang terjadi selama serangan terhadap Dido. Video itu menunjukkan dia disiksa, kemaluannya dipotong oleh seorang wanita dan tenggorokannya disembelih.

Kolonel itu kemudian menunjukkan foto-foto dari para pelaku, yang kemudian ditangkap dan diserahkan kepada kepala polisi daerah.

“Mereka sekarang bebas,” kata pejabat setempat. “Kami membiarkan mereka pergi. Kami mengidentifikasi mereka dan kami membiarkan mereka pergi karena kami tidak memiliki tempat untuk menahan 20 orang.”

Sementara itu, kantor Saleh Dido di balai kota sekarang kosong. Tugasnya akan segera diisi, tanpa diragukan lagi oleh Kristen setempat.[fq/islampos/prtv]

On Feb. 28, a crowd of nearly 100 people turned up at his home, according to witness accounts.

"All the other Muslims have left. Why are you still there?" they demanded.

What happened next is disputed. Some neighbors allege Dido fired arrows into the crowd first, wounding several people. Others say he did so only in a desperate attempt to defend his life.

Then he began to run.

The path to the police station took him a mile (2 kilometers) uphill, past dozens of tin roof homes and phone-charging shacks. No one tried to help.

The mob chased him, armed with knives. Panting and exhausted, he made it to the roundabout a few hundred meters (yards) from the police station. There, as he caught his breath, the crowd descended on him.

They ripped off his clothes. They slit his throat. They attacked him repeatedly until his head nearly fell off. One woman even cut off his genitals.

Two police officers were there. But the attackers threatened to harm the families of anyone who sheltered Muslims, so they did nothing. Police commandant Yvon Bemakassoui declined to discuss the case.

By the time peacekeepers from the Republic of Congo arrived, Dido was dead. His corpse lay in a drainage ditch on the side of the road.

The peacekeepers arrested 22 people, including five women, and handed them over to the police. Photos show the suspects lying face down on the ground.

They all were set free. Most escaped into the jungle forest outside town, residents say. Nobody was charged.

In the end, even in death, Dido never got his wish to stay in Mbaiki. The Red Cross buried his body in another town three miles away.

There are no longer any Muslims in that town either.


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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by frontline defender Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:31 pm

Cain3rd wrote:Padahal sudah dapat jawabannya, eh kemudian malah memperlihatkan keprematuran otaknya lagi ketawa guling

Kasian bener dah loe mot, otak loe rendah banget standarnya ketawa guling

Baca dan pahami lagi tuh tulisan loe MOT lol
memangnya jawaban tsb bisa membuat perbuatan menghukum pihak yang nggak bersalah menjadi bener? mari kita liat siapa yang prematur/nggak mikir panjang & rendah/nggak mudeng2/justru pantes dipanggil mot!

frontline defender
frontline defender

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:35 pm

frontline defender wrote:
Cain3rd wrote:Padahal sudah dapat jawabannya, eh kemudian malah memperlihatkan keprematuran otaknya lagi ketawa guling

Kasian bener dah loe mot, otak loe rendah banget standarnya ketawa guling

Baca dan pahami lagi tuh tulisan loe MOT lol
memangnya jawaban tsb bisa membuat perbuatan menghukum pihak yang nggak bersalah menjadi bener? mari kita liat siapa yang prematur/nggak mikir panjang & rendah/nggak mudeng2/justru pantes dipanggil mot!


Nahkan mulai lagi erornya lol

Gue loe panggil MOT?? sorry gue bukan muslim/ah tuh lol

baca2 dan pahami trus2an deh MOT piss

Ga baca bener apa yang gue suruh dari pertama sih ketawa guling

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:38 pm

pertanyaan gue banyak bener loe lewatin MOT, makanya otak loe prematur trus ngambil kesimpulan dan ngasih jawaban lol

maklum deh neladani si umi sih loe ketawa guling

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by frontline defender Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:47 pm

pertanyaan apa mot, bukannya tadi elo udah bilang gini?
Cain3rd wrote:Padahal sudah dapat jawabannya
frontline defender
frontline defender

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:00 pm

frontline defender wrote:pertanyaan apa mot, bukannya tadi elo udah bilang gini?
Cain3rd wrote:Padahal sudah dapat jawabannya

Pertanyaan yang lainnya MOT. piss

sorry gue bukan Muslim/ah oT piss

dah banyak loe lewatin dengan mata dan otak loe yang ga berguna itu sih, makanya keluar ucapan/kesimpulan prematur tambahan ketawa guling

manggil gue MOT juga lagi ketawa guling dah gue bilang gue bukan saudara seukuwah loe tuh lol


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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:05 pm

Nazis dah gue dipanggil muslim/ah ngakak

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:00 pm

Sambil menyaksikan Cain berhalusinasi, cuma guling2 tanpa argumen...

Kita lanjut ke Aborigin.... -berhubung disentil bro OT ttg aborigin-

Lebih dari 20ribu dibunuh, kita ambil salah satu contoh saja

c1872. Over 200 killed by Native Police at Skull Hole on the head of Mistake Creek, Bladensburg station (near Winton) Central Queensland. In 1888 the visiting Norwegian scientist Carl Lumholtz recalled how he in about 1882-84 "was shown" at Bladensburg "a large number of skulls of natives who had been shot by the black police" some years earlier. in 1901 P.H.F Mackay wrote an article to the Queenslander citing one witness and participant in this dispersal - the later property manager Hazelton Brock - who classified the incident as "the Massacre of the Blacks" and stated that it took place at the Skull Hole on Mistake Creek. Thus two unrelated sources give evidence and details (notably with reports of forensic evidence in both cases) of at least one large scale dispersals at Bladensburg some time about 1877-1879. It was "one of the most blood curdling sights I ever saw" Hazelton Brock is supposed to have stated. Both sources describe it as connected to an Aboriginal attack on a bullock wagon during which one man was 'murdered'. The dispersal was headed by Acting Sub-inspector Robert Wilfred Moran (1846-1911) and his troopers and a group of settlers headed by George Fraser - 14 men in all - and the target was a large camp with hundreds of blacks in the "Skull Hole" in "the Forsyth Ranges on the head of Mistake Creek." Hazelton Brock is cited for the statement that over 200 blacks were killed.[88]

Nevertheless, he regrets that “It is one of the great tragedies of the recent history of Australia that true Christianity was for so long so very difficult to discern in the life of this outpost of a distant nation which called itself Christian.” (pg.18)

Harris largely attributes the missionaries’ perceived failure to three key factors which were present in settler society within very few years of white settlement. These were:

-the low view of Indigenous society and culture displayed by the missionaries;
-the brutal or immoral treatment of Indigenous people by many settlers;
-the gross contradictions between Christian values and the lifestyle of colonial white society. (pg.44)

The missionaries’ low view of Indigenous society and culture is amply evidenced in the writings of the early missionaries. Harris quotes the Wesleyan missionary, Samuel Leigh, who “described Aboriginal people as ‘barbarians’ to whom had been assigned ‘the lowest place in the scale of intellect’”(1), and the Lutheran missionary, William Schmidt, who “wrote that (Aboriginal people) were ‘the lowest in the scale of the human race.’”(2) (pg. 29)

Harris notes that “A consequence of this low view of the destiny and status of Aboriginal people was that the early missionaries maintained a social distance between themselves and Aboriginal people whom they regarded as their inferiors socially.” (pg. 135)
This, along with the early missionaries’ failure to distinguish between the gospel and what they considered “civilisation”, European culture, seriously undermined their efforts to communicate Christ’s love to the Indigenous people.

Also well-documented is the cruel and degrading treatment of Indigenous people by many settlers. Harris laments that “A generation of Aborigines in south-eastern Australia were to experience the brutality and corruption of white society before the church formally responded to their need.” (pg.40)

It was common practice for white men to keep multiple Indigenous women captive for sexual purposes, and many brutal acts were committed against Indigenous people in the name of ‘sport’ (3) (pg.54 and pg.89). According to Harris, “Aboriginal people inevitably thought Christianity to be the religion of the British colonists” (4) (pg.59), and consequently, the brutal treatment of Indigenous people by the colonists also undermined the message of Christ’s love that the missionaries sought to deliver.
It was not only the settler’s behaviour towards Indigenous people, but the general immorality of life outside the mission that contradicted the missionaries’ efforts. According to Governor Hunter, 1798, "'a more wicked, abandoned and irreligious set of people have never been brought together in any part of the world.’” (5) (pg.37). Harris writes that, consequently, “As (Aboriginal people) began to understand the missionary teaching on sin and eternal damnation, they began to ask... whether or not particular white men known to them would be punished for their very public sins, and why the missionaries preached about sin to the Aborigines so much and not to the whites.” (6) (pg.59)
Of course, there were many other factors contributing to the missionaries’ failure, including misunderstandings between missionaries and their respective mission societies, lack of financial support, the declining Indigenous population as a result of disease and dispossession, and personal disagreements amongst missionaries, settlers and governing authorities. (pg.126-145)
Catholic Archbishop, John Bede Polding, was particularly astute in his perception of the failure of the missions:

"...In great part, the want of success must be attributed to the bad feeling and want of confidence, naturally caused by the mode in which possession has been taken of their country - occupation by force, accompanied by murders, ill-treatment, ravishment of their women, in a word, to the conviction on their minds that the white man has come for his own advantage, without any regard to their rights. Feeling this burning injustice inflicted by the white man, it is not in the nature of things that the black man should believe the white man better than himself, or suppose the moral and religious laws, by which the white man proposes the black man to be governed, to be better than those of his own tribe." (7)

Menarik untuk mengambil highlight pertanyaan berikut:

why the missionaries preached about sin to the Aborigines so much and not to the whites

Yah, itulah kemunafikan terbesar kristen, suatu cara yang penuh "kasih" agar orang2 yang dijajah, di exploitasi, direbut tanah2nya, diambil sumberdayanya, diperkosa, dibunuh di jalan2 dengan sukarela "tempeleng kanan kasih yang kiri"


Kita bisa membanyangkan mereka2 yang menerima kristen waktu itu atau generasi pertama adalah mereka2 yang tidak kuat, tidak tahan dengan siksaan di depan mata dan mengharapkan seteguk airminum dan sepotong roti dari gereja, tiada bedanya diseluruh jajahan di belahan bumi manapun, dari jaman dahulu sampai hari ini termasuk tentunya Indonesia.

Mohon maaf untuk kenyataan pahit ini.

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:24 pm

ini MOT emang kagak punya mata dan otak. lol

Bawa copasan sendiri, malah nanya sendiri tapi kagak baca jawabannya sendiri. lol

Baca sendiri tuh yang loe tebelin MOT2. lol

Mot2...loe itu klo copas di baca sekalian kenapa sih?Asli M*R*N lol

Mengenai pembantaian dll,

Ada ayatnya kagak tuh TUHAN merintahin kepada KRISTEN untuk melakukan hal itu??lol

Tunjukkan ayatnya deh lol


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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:31 pm

isaku wrote:Sambil menyaksikan Cain berhalusinasi, cuma guling2 tanpa argumen...

Kita lanjut ke Aborigin.... -berhubung disentil bro OT ttg aborigin-

Lebih dari 20ribu dibunuh, kita ambil salah satu contoh saja

c1872. Over 200 killed by Native Police at Skull Hole on the head of Mistake Creek, Bladensburg station (near Winton) Central Queensland. In 1888 the visiting Norwegian scientist Carl Lumholtz recalled how he in about 1882-84 "was shown" at Bladensburg "a large number of skulls of natives who had been shot by the black police" some years earlier. in 1901 P.H.F Mackay wrote an article to the Queenslander citing one witness and participant in this dispersal - the later property manager Hazelton Brock - who classified the incident as "the Massacre of the Blacks" and stated that it took place at the Skull Hole on Mistake Creek. Thus two unrelated sources give evidence and details (notably with reports of forensic evidence in both cases) of at least one large scale dispersals at Bladensburg some time about 1877-1879. It was "one of the most blood curdling sights I ever saw" Hazelton Brock is supposed to have stated. Both sources describe it as connected to an Aboriginal attack on a bullock wagon during which one man was 'murdered'. The dispersal was headed by Acting Sub-inspector Robert Wilfred Moran (1846-1911) and his troopers and a group of settlers headed by George Fraser - 14 men in all - and the target was a large camp with hundreds of blacks in the "Skull Hole" in "the Forsyth Ranges on the head of Mistake Creek." Hazelton Brock is cited for the statement that over 200 blacks were killed.[88]

Nevertheless, he regrets that “It is one of the great tragedies of the recent history of Australia that true Christianity was for so long so very difficult to discern in the life of this outpost of a distant nation which called itself Christian.” (pg.18)

Harris largely attributes the missionaries’ perceived failure to three key factors which were present in settler society within very few years of white settlement. These were:

-the low view of Indigenous society and culture displayed by the missionaries;
-the brutal or immoral treatment of Indigenous people by many settlers;
-the gross contradictions between Christian values and the lifestyle of colonial white society. (pg.44)

The missionaries’ low view of Indigenous society and culture is amply evidenced in the writings of the early missionaries. Harris quotes the Wesleyan missionary, Samuel Leigh, who “described Aboriginal people as ‘barbarians’ to whom had been assigned ‘the lowest place in the scale of intellect’”(1), and the Lutheran missionary, William Schmidt, who “wrote that (Aboriginal people) were ‘the lowest in the scale of the human race.’”(2) (pg. 29)

Harris notes that “A consequence of this low view of the destiny and status of Aboriginal people was that the early missionaries maintained a social distance between themselves and Aboriginal people whom they regarded as their inferiors socially.” (pg. 135)
This, along with the early missionaries’ failure to distinguish between the gospel and what they considered “civilisation”, European culture, seriously undermined their efforts to communicate Christ’s love to the Indigenous people.

Also well-documented is the cruel and degrading treatment of Indigenous people by many settlers. Harris laments that “A generation of Aborigines in south-eastern Australia were to experience the brutality and corruption of white society before the church formally responded to their need.” (pg.40)

It was common practice for white men to keep multiple Indigenous women captive for sexual purposes, and many brutal acts were committed against Indigenous people in the name of ‘sport’ (3) (pg.54 and pg.89). According to Harris, “Aboriginal people inevitably thought Christianity to be the religion of the British colonists” (4) (pg.59), and consequently, the brutal treatment of Indigenous people by the colonists also undermined the message of Christ’s love that the missionaries sought to deliver.
It was not only the settler’s behaviour towards Indigenous people, but the general immorality of life outside the mission that contradicted the missionaries’ efforts. According to Governor Hunter, 1798, "'a more wicked, abandoned and irreligious set of people have never been brought together in any part of the world.’” (5) (pg.37). Harris writes that, consequently, “As (Aboriginal people) began to understand the missionary teaching on sin and eternal damnation, they began to ask... whether or not particular white men known to them would be punished for their very public sins, and why the missionaries preached about sin to the Aborigines so much and not to the whites.” (6) (pg.59)
Of course, there were many other factors contributing to the missionaries’ failure, including misunderstandings between missionaries and their respective mission societies, lack of financial support, the declining Indigenous population as a result of disease and dispossession, and personal disagreements amongst missionaries, settlers and governing authorities. (pg.126-145)
Catholic Archbishop, John Bede Polding, was particularly astute in his perception of the failure of the missions:

"...In great part, the want of success must be attributed to the bad feeling and want of confidence, naturally caused by the mode in which possession has been taken of their country - occupation by force, accompanied by murders, ill-treatment, ravishment of their women, in a word, to the conviction on their minds that the white man has come for his own advantage, without any regard to their rights. Feeling this burning injustice inflicted by the white man, it is not in the nature of things that the black man should believe the white man better than himself, or suppose the moral and religious laws, by which the white man proposes the black man to be governed, to be better than those of his own tribe." (7)

Menarik untuk mengambil highlight pertanyaan berikut:

why the missionaries preached about sin to the Aborigines so much and not to the whites

Yah, itulah kemunafikan terbesar kristen, suatu cara yang penuh "kasih" agar orang2 yang dijajah, di exploitasi, direbut tanah2nya, diambil sumberdayanya, diperkosa, dibunuh di jalan2 dengan sukarela "tempeleng kanan kasih yang kiri"


Kita bisa membanyangkan mereka2 yang menerima kristen waktu itu atau generasi pertama adalah mereka2 yang tidak kuat, tidak tahan dengan siksaan di depan mata dan mengharapkan seteguk airminum dan sepotong roti dari gereja, tiada bedanya diseluruh jajahan di belahan bumi manapun, dari jaman dahulu sampai hari ini termasuk tentunya Indonesia.

Mohon maaf untuk kenyataan pahit ini.

Kenyataan pahit??

Pahit banget gue liat ada orang yang punya mata tapi kagak bisa melihat, punya otak tapi kagak bisa berpikir. ketawa guling

Highlight pertanyaan >>> baca yang loe bold paling atas deh MOT2 ketawa guling Otak ga berguna bener dah basi



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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:24 am

mot cain wrote: baca yang loe bold paling atas deh
mau dibantuin nerjemahin ya :)

The missionaries’ low view of Indigenous society and culture is amply evidenced in the writings of the early missionaries. Harris quotes the Wesleyan missionary, Samuel Leigh, who “described Aboriginal people as ‘barbarians’ to whom had been assigned ‘the lowest place in the scale of intellect’”(1), and the Lutheran missionary, William Schmidt, who “wrote that (Aboriginal people) were ‘the lowest in the scale of the human race.’”(2) (pg. 29)

Pandangan rendah misionaris terhadap adat dan budaya masyarakat terbukti dalam tulisan-tulisan para misionaris awal. Harris mengutip misionaris Wesleyan, Samuel Leigh, yang "orang-orang Aborigin digambarkan sebagai 'barbar' dengan ditempatkan pada 'tempat terendah dalam skala intelek'" (1), dan misionaris Lutheran, William Schmidt, yang menulis bahwa (orang Aborigin) adalah 'terendah dalam skala umat manusia.' "(2) (pg. 29)

Jangan2 kamu guling2 karena tidak mengerti apa yang saya kutip ya ehmm

Dengkulnya jangan digoyang2 kalau lagi baca, ntar pusing piss

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:51 am

Sukurlah klo bisa baca, tapi sayang kagak bisa memahami arti dari tulisannya.

Otak loe cuman sampai situ saja ya bisa ngebaca dan memahami suatu berita?? ketawa guling



Makanya gue bilang>>> UPGRADE OTAK LOE lol

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:06 pm

ngemeng2, dikit2 jangan make GOOGLE TRANSLATE deh MOT.

Samuel Leigh, who “described Aboriginal people as ‘barbarians’ to whom had been assigned ‘the lowest place in the scale of intellect’”

Samuel Leigh, yang mendeskripsikan/menggambarkan Orang Aborigin sebagai orang/bangsa barbar yang menempati tingkat terendah dalam skala kecerdasan.

lebih simpelnya :

Samuel leigh, mendeskripsikan/ menggambarkan bahwa orang Aborigin adalah orang-orang barbar dengan kecerdasan yang rendah.

Loe kira gue kagak bisa baca bahasa Inggris?? Bacaan gue tiap hari kale lol

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:43 pm


prematur mot, justru si leigh menghayati bible piss

IPet 2:18
Hai kamu, hamba-hamba, tunduklah dengan penuh ketakutan kepada tuanmu, bukan saja kepada yang baik dan peramah, tetapi juga kepada yang bengis.

Tentu saja si Leigh memilih tidak menjadi hamba dan Aborigin lebih cocok sebagai hamba.

Pendapat si Leigh sejalan dengan Amsal kok:

Amsal 29:19 Dengan kata-kata saja seorang hamba tidak dapat diajari, sebab walaupun ia mengerti, namun ia tidak mengindahkannya.

Kayanya kamu belum tuntas deh belajar bible ehmm

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:35 pm

isaku wrote:

prematur mot, justru si leigh menghayati bible piss

IPet 2:18
Hai kamu, hamba-hamba, tunduklah dengan penuh ketakutan kepada tuanmu, bukan saja kepada yang baik dan peramah, tetapi juga kepada yang bengis.

Tentu saja si Leigh memilih tidak menjadi hamba dan Aborigin lebih cocok sebagai hamba.

Pendapat si Leigh sejalan dengan Amsal kok:

Amsal 29:19 Dengan kata-kata saja seorang hamba tidak dapat diajari, sebab walaupun ia mengerti, namun ia tidak mengindahkannya.

Kayanya kamu belum tuntas deh belajar bible ehmm

Jaelah bener2 dah otaknya ketawa guling

Brani loe ketikin 1 pasal mot?? ketawa guling

Otak kok ya kagak berguna bener loe MOT lol

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:39 pm

Keknya tuh ayat AMSAL yang loe kutip cocok bener untuk loe MOT ketawa guling

loe kan umat HAMBA itu lol


Samuel Leigh, yang mendeskripsikan/menggambarkan Orang Aborigin sebagai orang/bangsa barbar yang menempati tingkat terendah dalam skala kecerdasan.

Menggambarkan berdasarkan apa MOT?? Berdasarkan pengamatannya dan penilaiannya kale MOT.

Gue maklum kok otak loe emang kagak berguna sih buat memahami sesuatu yang sederhana seperti itu piss

Tuh ayat AMSAL sangat cocok dengan loe MOT, sebab walaupun sebenarnya loe mengerti loe kagak mengindahkan apa kata orang piss

Pokoknya tabrak trus basi  karena apa?? Loe kagak punya malu !ketawa guling

note :
mengenai AMSAL, loe cek sapa yang ngomong ya MOT. lol
loe bakal tau tuh AMSAL ngomong soal apa klo loe baca dari pertama ngakak

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:05 pm

Eh mot, mengenai CAR

Loe dah ketemu belum AYATNYA tuh dimana TUHAN memerintahkan kepada KRISTEN untuk melakukan pembantaian itu itu?? piss

Gue tunggu ya MOT. binar

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:42 pm

CAR sudah klir, mereka cuma menjalankan perintah agama kok piss

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:25 am

isaku wrote:CAR sudah klir, mereka cuma menjalankan perintah agama kok piss

Mana buktinya MOT?? mana ngakak

Mana AYATNYA MOT?? Dimana TUHAN MEMERINTAHKAN KRISTEN buat ngelakuin pembantaian di AFRIKA TENGAH?? mana ngakak

Clear?? Clear dari hongkong ketawa guling lol

Terbukti >>> Loe emang kagak punya malu MOT, lol ngeclaim kek si UMI dari arab tanpa bukti ngakak ketawa guling

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:32 am

Ketika gereja2 berkuasa penuh, pertumpahan darah tak terhindarkan, dan memang ada contohnya di bible:

2kings 11:15
Tetapi imam Yoyada memerintahkan para kepala pasukan seratus, yakni orang-orang yang mengepalai tentara, katanya kepada mereka: "Bawalah dia keluar dari barisan! Siapa yang memihak kepadanya bunuhlah dengan pedang!" Sebab tadinya imam itu telah berkata: "Janganlah ia dibunuh di rumah TUHAN!"

Lalu mereka menangkap perempuan itu. Pada waktu ia masuk ke istana raja dengan melalui pintu bagi kuda, dibunuhlah dia di situ.

Bahkan Elia yang dipercaya melancarkan jalan sebelum Yesus nongol juga harus bersih2 dengan nyawa manusia

1 kings 18:40
Kata Elia kepada mereka: "Tangkaplah nabi-nabi Baal itu, seorangpun dari mereka tidak boleh luput." Setelah ditangkap, Elia membawa mereka ke sungai Kison dan menyembelih mereka di sana.

Cocok juga sih dengan pernyataan Yesus:

Mat 10:34
"Jangan kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk membawa damai di atas bumi; Aku datang bukan untuk membawa damai, melainkan pedang.


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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:31 pm

isaku wrote:Ketika gereja2 berkuasa penuh, pertumpahan darah tak terhindarkan, dan memang ada contohnya di bible:

2kings 11:15
Tetapi imam Yoyada memerintahkan para kepala pasukan seratus, yakni orang-orang yang mengepalai tentara, katanya kepada mereka: "Bawalah dia keluar dari barisan! Siapa yang memihak kepadanya bunuhlah dengan pedang!" Sebab tadinya imam itu telah berkata: "Janganlah ia dibunuh di rumah TUHAN!"

Lalu mereka menangkap perempuan itu. Pada waktu ia masuk ke istana raja dengan melalui pintu bagi kuda, dibunuhlah dia di situ.

Bahkan Elia yang dipercaya melancarkan jalan sebelum Yesus nongol juga harus bersih2 dengan nyawa manusia

1 kings 18:40
Kata Elia kepada mereka: "Tangkaplah nabi-nabi Baal itu, seorangpun dari mereka tidak boleh luput." Setelah ditangkap, Elia membawa mereka ke sungai Kison dan menyembelih mereka di sana.

Cocok juga sih dengan pernyataan Yesus:

Mat 10:34
"Jangan kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk membawa damai di atas bumi; Aku datang bukan untuk membawa damai, melainkan pedang.


Makin keliatan otaknya ketawa guling

Baca dan pahami yang bener ya MOT. lol

1 & 2 Kings

Matius :

Ketikan yang lengkap gih MOT ngakak lol


otak kek loe emang "kagak pantes" jadi kafir MOT lol ngakak

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:08 pm

Kamu g usah khawatir cain, ayat2 pembantaian/genosida di bible cukup banyak kok piss

Sengaja tak keluarin satu dua dulu, biar gampang kamu mencernanya.

G perlu khawatir juga, realita pembantaian dari awal berdirinya kristen, dari jaman Theodosius sampai hari ini takkan hilang begitu saja.

Gpp juga sih kamu nemenin saya cuma dengan guling2, pakai argumen apapun toh g kan bisa kalau realitanya cocok dengan isi manualnya.


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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:38 pm

isaku wrote:Kamu g usah khawatir cain, ayat2 pembantaian/genosida di bible cukup banyak kok piss

Sengaja tak keluarin satu dua dulu, biar gampang kamu mencernanya.

G perlu khawatir juga, realita pembantaian dari awal berdirinya kristen, dari jaman Theodosius sampai hari ini takkan hilang begitu saja.

Gpp juga sih kamu nemenin saya cuma dengan guling2, pakai argumen apapun toh g kan bisa kalau realitanya cocok dengan isi manualnya.


Tuliskan aja deh MOT piss

Dari pertama aja ngancem2 mulu, ngelakuin kagak ketawa guling

Tunjukkan deh MOT lol

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:58 pm

Karena saya terlanjur menyinggung Theodosius...

Baiklah kita perkenalkan:
Today, I was reading some tweets when I saw a conversation between a Believer and an Atheist. The Believer was basically suggesting that Atheism encouraged genocide more than the Church's crusades, etc, because it originated a disbelief of an afterlife punishment. After that, he also suggested that most of the belic conflicts which involved the Church had a Political root, and that religion was only a vehicle. I'm not bringing any names, but what I read encouraged to write a series of articles about certain characters among the History, and brief reviews about certain actions that prove -if it isn't obvious yet- that the Church stole the mankind wealth, to build an empire with the one they blocked knowledge and technological advance, and promoted genocide, not only worked as a "vehicle".

I'm starting with the story of Emperor Theodosius I, a fellow who successfully murdered more than 7000 innocent people, allowed and ordered the destruction of several spiritual places, and was forgiven by the Church and even admired.

Since Theodosius was a Christian emperor, he sentenced anti-paganism laws, which punished those who didn't join Christianity (Hitler did something like that).

Of course the empire didn't see this attitude with good eyes, since it was -mostly- made up of actual humans. So, Theodosius ran seeking for the Church's help; After months and penance, Ambrose, -or better said, "Saint" Ambrose-, Archbishop of Milan and a great ecclesiastical figure, readmitted Theodosius into the Eucharist. So if you murder 7000 innocent civilians, you just have to pretend you are sorry, stop going to church for some months -ironic- and you will go to heaven and be forgiven by the people.

The Orthodox Church recognizes him as "Saint" Theodosius. And during the medieval time, he was exemplar for Catholic Empire's Princes.

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain3rd Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:03 pm

Tunjukkan ayatnya MOT, ga perlu ngeluber kemana-mana lagi ketawa guling

Tunjukkan AYATNYA dimana TUHAN memerintahkan kepada KRISTEN untuk ngelakuin pembantai CAR ketawa guling

Ayo dong MOT, mau sampe berapa halaman sih gue tunggu jawabannya??  lol

( "terlanjur" nih ye ketawa guling )

Terakhir diubah oleh Cain3rd tanggal Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:07 pm, total 1 kali diubah

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Realita genosida oleh kristen - Page 4 Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:06 pm

Theodosius mau dibela apa g nih piss

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