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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:24 pm

Sejak tahun 1969, Professor Max Frie, seorang ahli kriminologi yang termasyhur dan menjabat Direktur Laboratorium Kepolisian Zurich, telah memeriksa “Kain Kafan” dari Turin untuk meneliti serbuk-serbuk yang melekat padanya, dan, setelah bertahun-tahun mengadakan penganalisaan secara seksama dan teliti dengan menggunakan peralatan modern mutakhir, akhirnya dapat menemukan gambaran yang mendetail mengenai sejarah dan asal-usul Kain Kafan tersebut. Khususnya dia telah menemukan benih-benih yang sangat kecil yang terdiri dari biji-bijian yang sudah memfosil. Setelah mengadakan pengujian secara teliti, ternyata biji-bijian tersebut berasal dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang hanya terdapat di Palestina saja sekitar 20 abad yang lampau. Dari hasil penemuan ini dia kini tidak ragu-ragu lagi akan keaslian Kain Kafan tersebut yang juga kain itu membawa bekas biji-bijian dari tumbuhan-tumbuhan di daerah sekitar Constantinople dan Laut Tengah. Biji-bijian yang terdiri dari limabelas macam tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berlainan telah ditemukan juga di Kain Kafan itu, yakni, enam berasal dari daerah Palestina, satu dari daerah Constantinople, sedangkan yang delapan macam lagi berasal dari daerah sekitar Laut Tengah.

Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian tersebut yang dimulai tahun 1969 dan atas perintah Gereja, dicatat oleh suatu press telah disebarkan permulaan tahun 1976 mengatakan:

“Setelah diadakan penelitian selama tujuh tahun mengenai Kain Kafan yang membungkus tubuh (Kristus), banyak para sarjana mendapat kesimpulan bahwa Yesus telah dibawa ke makam dalam keadaan masih hidup. Para ahli menguatkan pernyataan itu, bahwa Kain Kafan Suci yang disimpan di Turin tersebut diselimutkan ke tubuh orang yang disalib, yakni, yang menderita itu sungguh sama seperti apa yang diderita oleh Yesus, tetapi dinyatakan bahwa, orang yang disalib itu tidak mati di kayu salib, melainkan dikemakamkan sewaktu ia masih hidup. Duapuluh delapan noda darah di kain itu membuktikan hal ini. Para peneliti tersebut meyakinkan kita bahwa mayat yang dibungkus kain kafan pasti tak akan mengalirkan darah semacam itu. Yesus dikemakamkan dalam keadaan masih hidup, jika tidak, maka pasti ada Yesus yang kedua dan ia telah sama-sama menderita menghadapi sakaratulmaut”.

Mengenai catatan-catatan Kain Kafan Turin tersebut kembali ke abad sembilan, ketika itu berada di Yerusalem. Pada abad keduabelas ada di Constatinople, dan pada tahun 1474, setelah dalam waktu yang singkat ada di Belgia, kain itu menjadi milik Rumah Keselamatan. Kain itu pernah rusak terbakar pada tahun 1532 dan tiga tahun kemudian dipindahkan ke Turin. Dari tahun 1536 sampai 1578 dipindahkan ke Vercelli, lalu ke Milan, lalu ke Nice dan kembali lagi ke Vercelli, kemudian ke Chambrey, kemudian dikembalikan lagi ke Turin pada tahun 1706 (yang selama tahun itu kain tersebut pernah dipindahkan ke Jenewa dalam waktu yang tidak lama). Pada tahun 1946, Hubert II dari Bala Keselamatan mempercayakan Kain Kafan itu kepada Uskup di Turin untuk dirawat, tetapi tanpa diserahkan dengan baik kepada si pemilik Kain itu.

Foto-foto pertama dari Kain Kafan itu diperoleh pada tahun 1898. Foto-foto resminya telah diambil oleh G. Enrie pada tahun 1931 ketika penelaahan kain itu dimulai.

Ukuran Kain Kafan tersebut adalah: Lebar 3 kaki 7 inchi (110 cm) dan panjang 14 kaki 3 inchi (436 cm). Menurut pendapat Mr. Ricci, seorang ahli tehnik di Vatikan, tapak tubuh yang membekas di Kain Kafan tersebut menunjukkan tubuh yang berukuran tinggi 5 kaki 4 inchi (162 cm). Namun Proffesor Lorenzo Ferri, seorang ahli pemahat patung dari Roma, telah mengukur panjang tubuh yang diselimuti kain itu yaitu hampir 6 kaki 2 inchi (187 cm).

Pada tahun 1957, buku Kurt Berna yang berjudul “Jesus nicht am Kreuz gestorben” (Yesus tidak wafat di kayu salib) muncul. Berna adalah seorang Katolik dan Sekretaris Institut Jerman di Stuttgart, yang sejak beredarnya foto-foto G. Enrie, telah mempelajari Kain Kafan tersebut secara intensif. Hasil-hasil penelaahan itu telah disebar-luaskan oleh Berna sendiri dalam bentuk dua buku, yakni: “Das Linen” (Kain Kafan) dan “Jesus nicht am kreuz gestorben”. Buku-buku tersebut, khususnya yang kedua, pada waktu penyebarannya telah menggemparkan dan menjadi ajang pertentangan yang sungguh hebat.

Pada tanggal 26 Februari 1959, Berna menulis sepucuk surat kepada Paus John XXIII memohon kepadanya untuk membentuk suatu panitia para dokter untuk menyelidiki Kain Kafan tersebut, dan tujuannya adalah untuk mengakhiri pertentangan mengenai persoalan tersebut.

Permohonan pertama ditolak, langsung melalui utusan Paus di Jerman; tetapi pada tahun 1969, Vatikan membentuk panitia yang hasilnya telah kita lihat di muka tadi, yang pada kesimpulannya adalah sama seperti apa yang dikehendaki oleh Berna.

Berikut ini adalah surat Berna kepada Paus John:

Paduka yang mulia,

Dua tahun yang lalu, Lembaga Penelitian Kain Kafan Suci Jerman telah mempersembahkan hasil-hasil penelaahan Kain Kafan yang disimpan di Turin kepada Paduka dan masyarakat luas.

Selama duapupuh empat bulan yang lalu itu, para ahli yang berbeda dari berbagai Universitas di Jerman telah berusaha untuk tidak membenarkan penemuan-penemuan yang luar biasa itu, tetapi mereka gagal. Walaupun begitu, mereka berdalih bahwa ilmu pengetahuan mereka memungkinkan mereka dengan mudah untuk tidak membenarkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan kami, namun akhirnya mereka mengakui kalah dan sekarang mereka mengakui kembali dan bahkan menyetujui sahnya penelaahan ini; dan memang hal ini penting sekali bagi kedua agama, yakni Yahudi dan Kristen. Kirangan sangat berlebihan dan tidak pada tempatnya di sini untuk menyebutkan berapa banyak komentar-komentar yang timbul di berbagai media massa internasional.

Karena tak seorang pun dapat mengingkari dengan yakin akan hasil-hasil penelitian tersebut, maka Lembaga yakin bahwa penemuan-penemuan tersebut akan menimbulkan tantangan terbuka bagi seluruh dunia. Telah terbukti dengan meyakinkan, bahwa Yesus Kristus telah dibaringkan di Kain Kafan itu, setelah penyaliban dan pencabutan mahkota duri.

Penelaahan-penelaahan telah menetapkan dengan begitu pasti bahwa tubuh orang yang disalib itu telah diselimuti dengan kain itu dan dibiarkan beberapa saat lamanya. Dari sudut pandang ilmu kedokteran, telah terbukti bahwa tubuh yang dibaringkan di Kain Kafan itu tidak mati karena jantungnya masih tetap berdenyut. Bekas-bekas darah mengalir, keadaan ini dan secara alami, memberikan bukti ilmiah bahwa apa yang dinamakan hukuman mati itu benar-benar tidak sempurna.

Penemuan ini menggambarkan, bahwa apa yang diajarkan Kristen masa kini maupun yang dahulu tidaklah benar.

Paduka, ini adalah kesaksian ilmu pengetahuan. Tak dapat diingkari, bahwa penelaahan Kain Kafan Suci sekarang ini sangat penting sekali artinya, karena melibatkan ilmu pengetahuan (science) dan bukti sejarah. Foto-foto Kain Kafan Suci yang telah dipersiapkan pada tahun 1931 dengan izin Paus Pius XI yang tegas, menambah lengkapnya perbendaharaan untuk membuktikan benar tidaknya hasil-hasil penelaahan saat ini. Untuk membuktikan bila hal itu tidak benar, maka di sini penting sekali mengemukakan pengujian-pengujian berikut ini: a). menggunakan percobaan kimia modern (yang dianalisa oleh miscroscope dan dengan penelaahan-penelaahan semacam itu) pada bekasbekas darah yang menetes yang terdapat di Kain Kafan Suci tersebut yang dihasilkan oleh hentakan-hentakan jantung yang masih tetap berdenyut. b). pengujian menggunakan sinar “X” dan sinar infra merah serta sinar ultra-violet maupun dengan menggunakan metode-metode modern lainnya. c). didata dengan peralatan jam atom dan metode karbon 14.

Untuk menganalisa kain kafan dengan tepat, hanya diperlukan 300 gram. Ini tak akan merusak Kain Kafan Suci, ia hanya memerlukan carikan 2 cm saja lebarnya dari sisi kain itu, yang panjang kain itu 4,36 meter. Dengan cara ini, bagian-bagian penting dari kain itu tidak akan rusak seluruhnya. Tak ada seorang Kristen pun di dunia ini, kecuali Paduka tentunya sebagai seorang Paus Gereja, yang dapat mengurus barang pusaka suci itu. Hasil-hasil penelaahan Lembaga dan perwakilan-perwakilan lain yang hanya dapat menolak, apabila pengujian-pengujian ilmu pengetahuan diselenggarakan. Saya tidak mengerti, mengapa Gereja tidak mau memberi izin terhadap penelaahan-penelaah Kain Kafan Suci itu. Saya tidak percaya bahwa hal itu akan menyebabkan Gereja merasa takut: Mengapa harus begitu? Lembaga pun tidak perlu merasa takut, sebab hal itu mengemukakan penelaahan-penelaahan yang tulus dan suci, ia menggunakan metodemetode yang berlaku. Dengan keyakinan penuh, kami dapat menyatakan bahwa tak seorang pun bahkan di dunia ini yang tidak dapat membenarkan penemuan-penemuan itu, yang menimbulkan tantangan terbuka pada Lembaga.

Sebagaimana telah digambarkan, hanya dengan menunjukkan benar atau tidaknya fakta-fakta dan analisa-analisa ilmu pengetahuan saja yang dapat melengkapi hasil-hasil yang diharapkan.

Mengingat penelaahan yang luar biasa ini, kami dengan rendah hati memohon kepada Paduka untuk memberikan perhatiannya, dengan demikian Gereja dapat membawa perkara itu kepada suatu kesimpulan. Sejumlah para pengikut Gereja dan masyarakat lain mereka siap untuk menjawab panggilan apabila Gereja berkenan.

Atas nama Lembaga Penelitian Kain Kafan Suci Jerman dan rekan-rekan yang berkepentingan dalam penelitian ini, kami, sebagai penganut Katolik Roma, dengan ini memohon kepada Paduka untuk memberikan izin hal tersebut karena pentingnya bukti-bukti yang mungkin bisa diperoleh.

Salam takzim pada Paduka.

Kurt Berna,
Penulis dan Sekretaris Katolik
Urusan Lembaga Penelitian Jerman

Sebelum mendiskusikan kehidupan Yesus setelah lukanya sembuh akibat penyaliban, saya akan menggaris-bawahi satu pandangan dari kesimpulan yang dicapai oleh Berna di dalam bukunya tersebut.

Berna mengatakan, analisa kain kafan tersebut meunjukkan bahwa, kepala dan tangan Yesus diletakkan lebih tinggi dari pada letak badannya. Andaikata Yesus telah wafat ketika dibungkus kain kafan tersebut, maka ini berarti tidak mungkin ada darah segar yang mengalir pada bagian-bagian tersebut yang meninggalkan bekas pada kain kafan itu. Oleh karenanya, Berna mempertahankan pendiriannya, bahwa kain itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas darah yang mengalir dari luka-luka yang disebabkan mahkota duri yang dipasang oleh orang-orang Romawi di seputar kepala Yesus, yang mencemoohkan sebagai “Raja Yahudi”, kemudian suatu ketika tubuh itu diturunkan dari kayu salib dan “mahkota” itu pun dicopot, maka luka-luka yang disebabkan oleh duri-duri tersebut mulai berdarah. Apabila Yesus telah wafat saat itu, maka semua darah pasti membeku di bagian bawah badannya. Sudah merupakan hukum alam, asalkan jantung terus-menerus memompa, maka darah pun akan terus beredar bahkan sekalipun dalam keadaan hampa udara. Apabila saat itu jantung berhenti berdenyut, maka darah pun akan berhenti beredar dan akan mulai kembali ke urat-urat, pembuluh-pembuluh darah di permukaan kulit akan segera mengering, dan rupa pucat kematian pun akan nampak di tubuh. Jadi, darah segar pasti tak akan mengalir dari luka-luka di kepala Yesus jika jantungnya berhenti berdenyut, ini adalah bukti medis, bahwa Yesus tidak wafat ketika beliau dibungkus kain kafan itu. Mungkin beliau tidak bernafas dan nampaknya seperti mati; tetapi bilamana jantung tetap berdenyut, dalam keadaan demikian ini, seseorang bisa hidup kembali dengan perawatan medis yang intensif.

Garis tipis pada kain kafan tersebut menunjukkan darah yang berasal dari luka tangan yang dipaku mengalir sepanjang lengan kanan ketika paku itu dicabut. Terlihat, bahwa darah itu segar dan membasahi kain kafan itu, ini menambah lengkapnya bukti, bahwa jantung Yesus masih tetap aktif ketika beliau diturunkan dari kayu salib.

Kain Kafan itu juga menambah lengkapnya bukti dimana tombak yang digunakan prajurit Romawi untuk menguji apakah Yesus sudah wafat atau belum, ia menancap dan jatuh dari tubuh beliau. Bekas-bekas darah menunjukkan, bahwa tombak menembus dada sebelah kanan, di antara tulang rusuk yang kelima dan keenam dan menerobos ke sebelah atas lengan kiri dan membuat sudut 20 derajat. Oleh sebab itu, tombak tersebut lewat dekat jantung tetapi tidak melukainya, “darah dan air” yang dinyatakan dalam Injil Yahya (19:34) memberikan bukti kepada kita, bahwa darah itu mengalir dari luka dan bukan dari jantung. Ini menunjukkan bahwa jantung masih tetap berdenyut sekalipun lemah, dan karenanya Yesus masih tetap hidup.

Namun Paulus mencatat dan menjadikan doktrin, bahwa Yesus mati disalib dan kemudian bangkit kembali, dan doktrin inilah yang diperkuat oleh Gereja Kristen. Oleh sebab inilah, hasil-hasil penelitian Kain Kafan Turin membuat Gereja dalam keadaan serba sulit, dan akibatnya pada tanggal 30 Juni 1960, Paus John XXII mengeluarkan maklumat yang dicetak koran Vatikan: “L’Osservatore Romano” pada tanggal 2 Juli, dengan judul: “Keselamatan Sempurna Tubuh Yesus Kristus”. Dalam hal ini Paus menyatakan kepada para Uskup Katolik yang mengakui dan menyebarkan berita-berita ini, bahwa keselamatan sempurna umat manusia adalah akibat langsung dari darah Yesus Kristus, dan kematiannya akhirnya tidaklah dianggap penting.


1. Sage adalah sejenis tumbuhan rerumputan yang berdaun hijau keabu-abuan dan suram warnanya, digunakan untuk mengharumkan makanan. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English).

2. Verbena adalah sejenis tumbuhan rerumputan yang terdapat di banyak taman-taman, mempunyai beraneka warna bunga. (Kamus, idem, -penerjemah).

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:19 am

berarti yang jelas-jelas gugur adalah klaim quran
bahwa isa tidak disalib

soal darah
sebenarnya sangat absurd menarik kesimpulan noda darah pada kain kafan digunakan untuk membuktikan ketika darah tersebut menetes dari kain, orang tersebut sudah mati atau belum, korelasinya tidak jelas

soal darah segar
kalau itu yang hendak digunakan untuk menilai orang vterseut belum mati karena jantung masih berdetak, perlu dicatat bahwa posisi Yesus mati tersalib, tangan dan kaki terpaku, lambung tertikam tombak, dan kepala bermahkota duri, sudah barang tentu arah segar akan terus mengucur ke tubuhnya dan menetes ke bawah, tentunya darah tidak akan langsung berhenti mengalir dan langsung mengering setelah beberapa jam dari kematian/hembusan nafas terakhir

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:52 am

SEGOROWEDI wrote:berarti yang jelas-jelas gugur adalah klaim quran
bahwa isa tidak disalib

soal darah
sebenarnya sangat absurd menarik kesimpulan noda darah pada kain kafan digunakan untuk membuktikan ketika darah tersebut menetes dari kain, orang tersebut sudah mati atau belum, korelasinya tidak jelas

soal darah segar
kalau itu yang hendak digunakan untuk menilai orang vterseut belum mati karena jantung masih berdetak, perlu dicatat bahwa posisi Yesus mati tersalib, tangan dan kaki terpaku, lambung tertikam tombak, dan kepala bermahkota duri, sudah barang tentu arah segar akan terus mengucur ke tubuhnya dan menetes ke bawah, tentunya darah tidak akan langsung berhenti mengalir dan langsung mengering setelah beberapa jam dari kematian/hembusan nafas terakhir

saya termasuk kelompok yang pro bahwa isa pernah mengalami proses penyaliban, walaupun tidak mengalami PEMOTONGAN KAKI sebagai acara inti penyaliban untuk mengakhiri nyawa si terpidana mati.

tesisnya, jika anda percaya bahwa darah tidak berhenti menetes dalam beberapa jam penyaliban, berarti secara medis anda harus yakin bahwa hukuman salib tidak akan bisa mematikan terpidana mati hanya dalam beberapa jam. hukuman salib itu membutuhkan 3 hari untuk meyakinkan bahwa orang tersebut benar2 mati hingga darah tidak menetes lagi.

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:12 pm

ichreza wrote:saya termasuk kelompok yang pro bahwa isa pernah mengalami proses penyaliban, walaupun tidak mengalami PEMOTONGAN KAKI sebagai acara inti penyaliban untuk mengakhiri nyawa si terpidana mati.

tesisnya, jika anda percaya bahwa darah tidak berhenti menetes dalam beberapa jam penyaliban, berarti secara medis anda harus yakin bahwa hukuman salib tidak akan bisa mematikan terpidana mati hanya dalam beberapa jam. hukuman salib itu membutuhkan 3 hari untuk meyakinkan bahwa orang tersebut benar2 mati hingga darah tidak menetes lagi.

berarti termasuk kelompok anti-quran, karena quran bilang isa tidak disalib

silakan bertesis, aku lihat fakta yang tertulis, bahwa semua menyaksikan mati
bahkan sang kepala pasukan sekalipun, kalau belum mati tidak akan ada ijin untuk diturunkan dan dikuburkan, kalau tidak mati tdak akan dikafani dan dikubur, mending dibawa lari dan diobati
darah di kain tentunya berasal dari lelehan luka di tubuh ketika baru diturunkan dari salib, apakah yang sudah kering atau setengah kering atau masih segar bisa saja mengena pada kain, dan tentu saja absurd kalau digunakan untuk menentukan masih berdetak atau tidaknya jantung, korelasinya sama-sekali tidak ada.. darah adalah darah

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by BAKUL KOPI Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:44 pm
M.K.B wrote:Pengamatan yang cermat dari sudut pandang akal sehat data logika, menguakkan kemustahilan-kemustahilan lebih lanjut yang melekat pada episode-episode Penyaliban serta Kenaikan , seperti yang dikernukakan oleh orang-orang Kristen zaman sekarang.Sejauh yang berkaitan dengan kembalinya Yesus ke New World Translation.dalam tubuh manusianya, cukup banyak yang sudah dipaparkan. saya hanya ingin menambahkan tentang apa yang dapat terjadi pada tubuh Yesus apabila akhirnya naik [ke langit], jika memang beliau pernah.

Bila dihadang oleh pertanyaan apa yang terjadi pada tubuh Yesus Kristus, maka dikemukakan oleh beberapa orang Kristen bahwa beliau telah naik kepada Bapak-nya di sorga dan tubuh jasmani beliau terurai dan menghilang dalam cahaya. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan fundamental. Jika kepergian Yesus dari tubuh manusianya memang harus terjadi dalam suatu peristiwa ledakan, mengapa hal itu tidak terjadi langsung pada saat kematian pertama beliau ?(jika memang dianggap mati waktu disalib)

Rujukan satu-satunya yang kita peroleh dalam Bibel mengenai kematian Yesus adalah ketika beliau masih tergantung di tiang salib dan dalam kata-kata Matius, ‘dia telah menyerahkan nyawanya’ (Matius 27:50). Rupanya, tidak ada yang terjadi kecuali keberangkatan ruh secara lembut meninggalkan tubuh. Apakah kita akan menganggap bahwa beliau tidak mati di tiang salib sama sekali, sebab bila beliau telah meninggalkan tubuh tersebut, harus terjadi ledakan dalam bentuk yang sama? Mengapa hal itu terjadi hanya pada kali kedua Yesus meninggalkan tubuhnya? Dalam kondisi demikian hanya ada dua kemungkinan yang terbuka lebih lanjut:

Yesus tidak secara kekal tertahan dalam tubuh manusia setelah ruhnya kembali ke dalam tubuh tersebut, dan selama kenaikannya dia membuang tubuh manusianya dan naik secara murni sebagai suatu ruh Tuhan.
Hal ini tidak didukung oleh fakta-fakta dan tidak pula mungkin, sebab hal itu akan mengarah pada jalan buntu, yakni mempercayai bahwa Yesus telah mati dua kali. Pertama di tiang salib dan kedua pada waktu Kenaikan.

Beliau tetap tertahan dalam raga manusia seutuhnya.
Hal ini tidak dapat diterima, sebab benar-benar menjijikkan dan bertentangan dengan kemuliaan serta keagungan sosok Tuhan.
Di sisi lain, kita memiliki sebuah sudut pandang akal sehat; Akan merupakan suatu kekeliruan apabila memahami kenaikan Yesus itu sebagai semacam perjalanan luar angkasa di masa lampau, dan surga merupakan sebuah tempat jauh di balik matahari, bulan dan galaksi-galaksi.’ Kebenaran tidak ada pada pilihan pertama maupun kedua.
Oleh karenanya, penyisipan kisah aneh semacam itu hanya dapat terdorong oleh dilema tak terpecahkan yang dihadapi orang-orang Kristen pada masa kelahiran agama Kristen.

Ketika Yesus hilang dari pandangan, secara alami pertanyaan yang timbul adalah, apa yang telah terjadi pada beliau. Orang-orang Kristen masa awal tidak dapat memecahkan kebingungan itu dengan cara menyatakan secara terbuka bahwa disebabkan Yesus belum pernah mati [sebelumnya] maka tidak ada permasalahan mengenai tubuh yang ditinggalkan dan tentang tubuhnya yang secara fakta telah pergi bersama beliau dalam perpindahan tersebut. Dengan cara ini masalah lenyapnya tubuh Yesus, dapat dipecahkan secara mudah. Namun, pengakuan seperti tersebut tidak mungkin dilakukan saat itu. Mereka yang berani mengaku bahwa Yesus terlihat [masih] hidup dan bergerak secara bertahap menjauh dari Judea akan menghadapi risiko disalahkan oleh Hukum Romawi sebagai kaki tangan kejahatan melarikan diri dari keadilan.

Berlindung di balik cerita sisipan seperti kenaikan Yesus ke sorga telah memberikan sebuah pilihan yang lebih aman, walau betapa pun anehnya pemikiran tersebut. Namun jelas hal itu pun akan merupakan suatu keterlibatan dalam kedustaan. Kita harus memberikan kehormatan pada kejujuran para murid awal [Yesus] yang dalam kondisi berbahaya demikian pun mereka tidak mencari perlindungan di balik pernyataan dusta. Segenap penulis Injil memilih tidak bersuara dalam masalah ini, daripada berlindung di balik tabir pernyataan-pernyataan keliru. Tidak diragukan lagi, mereka telah mengalami derita cemoohan dari para musuh mereka, tetapi mereka memilih menderita dalam bungkam.

Kebungkaman misterius pada pihak mereka yang mengetahui kisah nyata, tentu lebih bertanggung-jawab dalam menumbuhkan lebih besar bibit-bibit keraguan pada pikiran-pikiran warga Kristen dari generasi-generasi belakangan. Mereka tentu heran: mengapa, setelah ruh Yesus Kristus pergi, tidak ada disebutkan tentang tubuhnya yang tertinggal? Kemana perginya tubuh itu, dan apa yang telah terjadi pada tubuh tersebut? Mengapa ruh Kristus kembali kepada tubuh yang sama jika memang pemah dia tinggalkan? Pertanyaan vital akan tetap tidak terjawabkan ini menimbulkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain. Jika revival (hidup kembali) itu berarti kembali ke tubuh semula, maka akan mucul banyak pertanyaan :

1. Apa yang telah terjadi pada Yesus Kristus setelah masa pemenjaraannya yang kedua dalam kerangkeng tubuh manusia tersebut? Apakah beliau tetap terikat dalam tubuh itu, tidak pernah dilepaskan lagi ?

2. Di sisi lain, jika ruh Yesus sekali lagi keluar dari tubuh yang sama, maka apakah revival (hidup kembali) tersebut bersifat sementara ataukah permanen ?

3. Jika beliau tidak tetap terikat dalam tubuh itu, maka apa yang terjadi pada tubuh beliau sesudah kematian yang kedua ?

4. Di mana tubuh tersebut dikuburkan, dan apakah ada pernyataan tentang hal itu dalam arsip atau catatan manapun ?

Tampaknya pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, kalau pun tidak timbul pada masa awal, pasti telah timbul pada abad-abad belakangan ketika upaya-upaya filosofis yang sungguhsungguh mengenai misteri Kristus dan segenap yang berkaitan dengan beliau disaksikan secara luas di kalangan para theolog Kristen. Tampak bahwa beberapa penulis tak bermoral mencoba keluar dari [benang kusut] itu dengan cara melakukan penyisipan pada 12 ayat terakhir dalam Injil Markus, dan secara dusta menisbahkan pada Markus pemyataan bahwa Yesus terakhir kali terlihat naik ke sorga dengan tubuh yang sama.

Penyisipan juga tidak mengecualikan Injil Lukas, di mana sisipan pintar kalimat "dan [dia] terangkat ke sorga" pada bab 24 ayat 51 memenuhi maksud para penyisip. Dengan cara demikian penyisipan itu telah menyelesaikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu seluruhnya. Paling tidak sebuah misteri dogma Kristen telah terpecahkan. Namun, dengan imbalan apa? Dengan imbalan [rusaknya] fakta-fakta mulia mengenai sosok suci sejati Yesus Kristus. Fakta tentang Kristus telah dikorbankan di atas altar . Sejak saat itu, ajaran Kristen berlanjut semakin menjadi-jadi dan tidak terkendali dalam perjalanan perubahannya dari kenyataan-kenyataan menuju cerita khayal.

Kita mengetahui dengan pasti bahwa orang-orang Yahudi saat itu kesal dan geram tidak menemukan tubuh Yesus Kristus. Mereka ingin memastikan kematian Yesus dan untuk itu mereka membutuhkan bukti kematian yang dapat diterima secara universal, yakni, keberadaan tubuh mayat. Pengaduan mereka, yang ditujukan pada Pilatus, jelas memperlihatkan kegelisahan mereka tentang potensi lenyapnya tubuh tersebut.

Akan tetapi jawaban yang sebenarnya dan sederhana adalah, terletak pada fakta bahwa disebabkan Kristus saat itu tidak mati sebagaimana yang dipercayai, maka pertanyaan tentang tubuh yang hilang sama sekali tidak relevan, dan dalam menepati janjinya beliau harus pergi meninggalkan Judea untuk mencari domba-domba Bani Israil yang telah hilang. Jelas, beliau tidak dapat dilihat lagi.


" EG "

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:36 am

ichreza wrote:saya termasuk kelompok yang pro bahwa isa pernah mengalami proses penyaliban, walaupun tidak mengalami PEMOTONGAN KAKI sebagai acara inti penyaliban untuk mengakhiri nyawa si terpidana mati.

tesisnya, jika anda percaya bahwa darah tidak berhenti menetes dalam beberapa jam penyaliban, berarti secara medis anda harus yakin bahwa hukuman salib tidak akan bisa mematikan terpidana mati hanya dalam beberapa jam. hukuman salib itu membutuhkan 3 hari untuk meyakinkan bahwa orang tersebut benar2 mati hingga darah tidak menetes lagi.

berarti termasuk kelompok anti-quran, karena quran bilang isa tidak disalib

silakan bertesis, aku lihat fakta yang tertulis, bahwa semua menyaksikan mati
bahkan sang kepala pasukan sekalipun, kalau belum mati tidak akan ada ijin untuk diturunkan dan dikuburkan, kalau tidak mati tdak akan dikafani dan dikubur, mending dibawa lari dan diobati
darah di kain tentunya berasal dari lelehan luka di tubuh ketika baru diturunkan dari salib, apakah yang sudah kering atau setengah kering atau masih segar bisa saja mengena pada kain, dan tentu saja absurd kalau digunakan untuk menentukan masih berdetak atau tidaknya jantung, korelasinya sama-sekali tidak ada.. darah adalah darah

siapa bilang isa tidak disalib....? itu hanya penafsiran berbeda orang.....iya...iya percaya gw kalo Isa disalib, tapi dia tidak mati di kayu salib. Isa hanya mengalami sekarat, tapi dia tidak mati. hukuman salib hanya bisa membuat orang mati jika kakinya dipotong.

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by barabasmurtad Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:37 am

ichreza wrote:
ichreza wrote:saya termasuk kelompok yang pro bahwa isa pernah mengalami proses penyaliban, walaupun tidak mengalami PEMOTONGAN KAKI sebagai acara inti penyaliban untuk mengakhiri nyawa si terpidana mati.

tesisnya, jika anda percaya bahwa darah tidak berhenti menetes dalam beberapa jam penyaliban, berarti secara medis anda harus yakin bahwa hukuman salib tidak akan bisa mematikan terpidana mati hanya dalam beberapa jam. hukuman salib itu membutuhkan 3 hari untuk meyakinkan bahwa orang tersebut benar2 mati hingga darah tidak menetes lagi.

berarti termasuk kelompok anti-quran, karena quran bilang isa tidak disalib

silakan bertesis, aku lihat fakta yang tertulis, bahwa semua menyaksikan mati
bahkan sang kepala pasukan sekalipun, kalau belum mati tidak akan ada ijin untuk diturunkan dan dikuburkan, kalau tidak mati tdak akan dikafani dan dikubur, mending dibawa lari dan diobati
darah di kain tentunya berasal dari lelehan luka di tubuh ketika baru diturunkan dari salib, apakah yang sudah kering atau setengah kering atau masih segar bisa saja mengena pada kain, dan tentu saja absurd kalau digunakan untuk menentukan masih berdetak atau tidaknya jantung, korelasinya sama-sekali tidak ada.. darah adalah darah

siapa bilang isa tidak disalib....? itu hanya penafsiran berbeda orang.....iya...iya percaya gw kalo Isa disalib, tapi dia tidak mati di kayu salib. Isa hanya mengalami sekarat, tapi dia tidak mati. hukuman salib hanya bisa membuat orang mati jika kakinya dipotong.

Medical experts, historians andarchaeologists have examined in detail the execution that Jesus Christvoluntarily endured. All agree that he suffered one of the most gruelling and painful forms of capital punishment ever devised by man. Here is a brief summary of some of the things we know about his last hours from history, archaeology and medicine…
Severe stress, even before the abuse began
Jesus had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Even before thecrucifixion began, he clearly had physical symptoms associated with severe stress. The night before the execution, his disciples reported seeing Jesus in “agony” on the Mount of Olives. Not only did he not sleep all night, but he seems to have been sweating profusely. So great was the stress that tiny blood vessels were rupturing in his sweat glands and emitting as great red drops that fell to the ground (see Luke 22:44). This symptom of severe stress is called hematohidrosis. (Learn more…)
Jesus was physically exhausted and in danger of going into shock unless he received fluids (which he apparently did not). This is the man that theRoman soldiers tortured.

Having previously been beaten by theJews, it was now the Romans' turn. The beatings administered by Roman soldiers are well known to be very bloody, leaving lacerations all over the body. Romans designed their whips to cut the flesh from their victim's bodies. These beatings were designed to be painful to the extreme. It would also cause a fluid build up around his lungs. In addition, a crown of thorns was forced into his scalp which was capable of severely irritating major nerves in his head, causing increasing and excruciating pain, as the hours wore on.
In Christ's severely stressed condition, these beatings were easily enough to kill him. His body was horribly bruised, cut and bleeding. Having had no nourishment for many hours, and having lost fluids through profuse sweating and much bleeding, Jesus would have been severely dehydrated. This brutal torture would certainly be sending him into what doctors call “shock,” and shock kills.
In addition, Jesus was forced to carry the the wooden beam on which he would die. Imagine the effect of carrying a heavy weight if you were in that condition.
Hung completely naked before the crowd, the pain and damage caused by crucifixion were designed to be so devilishly intense that one would continually long for death, but could linger for days with no relief.
According to Dr. Frederick Zugibe, piercing of the median nerve of the hands with a nail can cause pain so incredible that even morphine won't help, “severe, excruciating, burning pain, like lightning bolts traversing the arm into the spinal cord.” Rupturing the foot's plantar nerve with a nail would have a similarly horrible effect.
Furthermore, the position of the body on a cross is designed to make it extremely difficult to breathe.
Frederick Farrar described the intended, torturous effect: “For indeed a death by crucifixion seems to include all that pain and death can have of horrible and ghastly—dizziness, cramp, thirst, starvation, sleeplessness, traumatic fever, tetanus, shame, publicity of shame, long continuance of torment, horror of anticipation, mortification of untended wounds—all intensified just up to the point at which they can be endured at all, but all stopping just short of the point which would give to the suffer the relief of unconsciousness.”
One doctor has called it “a symphony of pain” produced by every movement, with every breath; even a slight breeze on his skin could bring screaming pain at this point.
Medical examiner, Dr. Frederick Zugibe, believes Christ died from shock due to loss of blood and fluid, plus traumatic shock from his injuries, plus cardiogenic shock causing Christ's heart to fail.

James Thompson believed that Jesus did not die from exhaustion, the beatings or the 3 hours of crucifixion, but that he died from agony of mind producing rupture of the heart. His evidence comes from what happened when the Roman soldier pierced Christ's left side. The spear released a sudden flow of blood and water (John 19:34). Not only does this prove that Jesus was already dead when pierced, but Thompson believes it is also evidence of cardiac rupture. Respected physiologist Samuel Houghton believed that only the combination of crucifixion and rupture of the heart could produce this result.
There is no question that it was painful beyond words.
Biblically, it is clear that Jesus chose and willed His moment of death. That moment was induced not by pain, emotional stress, heart attack, or any other, but by His will. Though fully human, He is also fully divine. As God, He could not die from external sources, but only of His own volition and will.
Near the end, a criminal beside him mocked, “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us.” Little did this sinner know that the man he was speaking to hung there voluntarily. He was speaking to our Creator, capable of releasing all the power in the universe and beyond, and easily saving himself. Jesus remained in this agony and shame, not because he was powerless, but because of his incredible love for humanity. He suffered to provide the needed way of salvation for you and me.


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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:46 am

ichreza wrote:siapa bilang isa tidak disalib....? itu hanya penafsiran berbeda orang.....iya...iya percaya gw kalo Isa disalib, tapi dia tidak mati di kayu salib. Isa hanya mengalami sekarat, tapi dia tidak mati. hukuman salib hanya bisa membuat orang mati jika kakinya dipotong.

yang bilang bukan isa, quranmu
malah kamu bantah

saya tanya:
- kalau orang sdah tidak bernyawa itu namanya mati atau sekarat?

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:06 pm

ichreza wrote:siapa bilang isa tidak disalib....? itu hanya penafsiran berbeda orang.....iya...iya percaya gw kalo Isa disalib, tapi dia tidak mati di kayu salib. Isa hanya mengalami sekarat, tapi dia tidak mati. hukuman salib hanya bisa membuat orang mati jika kakinya dipotong.

yang bilang bukan isa, quranmu
malah kamu bantah

saya tanya:
- kalau orang sdah tidak bernyawa itu namanya mati atau sekarat?

mana ayatnya.......cumn orang sekarat/ mati suri yg bisa hidup lagi. orang mati dah nggak bisa hidup lagi

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:23 am

50 Yesus berseru pula dengan suara nyaring lalu menyerahkan nyawa-Nya

sekarang jawab:
kalau nyawa sudah diserahkan: ia mati atau sekarat?

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:27 pm

SEGOROWEDI wrote:50 Yesus berseru pula dengan suara nyaring lalu menyerahkan nyawa-Nya

sekarang jawab:
kalau nyawa sudah diserahkan: ia mati atau sekarat?

itu kan narasi yang ditulis di alkitab.....penulisnya nggak bakal tahu dia sekarat apa udah mati. hanya yesus yang bisa tahu dirinya sendiri. wong buktinya dia hidup lagi koq

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:34 am

ichreza wrote:
itu kan narasi yang ditulis di alkitab.....penulisnya nggak bakal tahu dia sekarat apa udah mati. hanya yesus yang bisa tahu dirinya sendiri. wong buktinya dia hidup lagi koq

yang menulis mati suri ada/kagak?
atau hanya fantasimu sendiri

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:11 am

ichreza wrote:
itu kan narasi yang ditulis di alkitab.....penulisnya nggak bakal tahu dia sekarat apa udah mati. hanya yesus yang bisa tahu dirinya sendiri. wong buktinya dia hidup lagi koq

yang menulis mati suri ada/kagak?
atau hanya fantasimu sendiri

mereka penulis injil nggak tahu yesus mati apa kagak......cuman ngarang aja

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:21 pm

ichreza wrote:
mereka penulis injil nggak tahu yesus mati apa kagak......cuman ngarang aja

jadi orang arab 600 tahun kemudian malah tahu?
ketawa guling

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:22 pm

Ever since I found out that Christ couldn't have been born on the traditional Christmas holiday, because it would have been too cold for the shepherds to be out in the fields at that time of year, I lost interest in celebrating his birth that late in the year. I did some more research and found out that both Christmas and Easter were originally pagan holidays incorporated into the church by the Roman Emperor Constantine around the 4th century C.E. merely to draw the populace into the church. Also, the secular over-emphasis of both Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny has been a real turn-off for participation in either holiday other than on a spiritual level.

About six months ago I became involved in a mailing list on the internet that was peopled by both Christians and Jewish members and have since started learning Hebrew to facilitate my Bible studies. I recently became aware of the Feast of Passover and how it coincided with the time of Christ's crucifixion and started researching that festival with the intention of celebrating the resurrection at that time. This peaked my curiosity enough to spur me on to researching the day of the week that Christ was actually crucified. Although I am a Christian I don't have a personal preference for one day over the other--I just want to make sure I'm observing the right day.

Most of the reports I've seen concerning the crucifixion date believe Wednesday is the day Christ was crucified, a few believe it was Thursday, and some on Friday. I could see flaws in the reasoning of almost every document I read which I believe was due to a basic problem related to the Jewish terminology where it concerns the time of day compared to how the western world determines time. I don't claim to have all the answers but I believe I've figured out the only day that could work for the crucifixion and I would like to submit my ideas for consideration. First I'll start with what we know for sure:


Most of the confusion relating to the crucifixion can be traced to the way a Jewish person interprets time as compared to someone from the west. The Jewish "day" starts at Sunset (which changes slightly depending on the season). Therefore, their day is getting dark when it begins. During the time of Christ they adopted the Roman practice of counting 4 "watches" during the night. Each watch started approximately 9:30, 12:00 midnight, 2:30 (called the cockcrow watch), and 5 am. From sunrise they divided the day in sections into what they termed "hours". Thus when they said that something happened at the 6th hour it was about noon or 6 hours after sunrise, not 6 A.M like we would reckon time.

A Roman "day", however, started at midnight (as does most of the western world) so when their day began it would be dark and would soon be getting light--just the opposite of the Jewish day. Most scholars agree that John wrote the Gospel of John late in the first century. He often used Greek terms in his writing which indicates he was heavily influenced by Greek culture. Further evidence is seen in that he would often interpret the meaning of Hebrew words which would have been unnecessary if he had been writing for a Jewish audience. Also, Irenaeus stated that John published his Gospel during his residence at Ephesus--the capital of the Roman province of Asia. Therefore he was obviously writing to the Gentiles and would have used terminology related to the time of day that Gentiles would have understood.

An example of this confusion of different terminology's involves when Christ was nailed to the cross. According to Mark it was the third hour (third hour since sunrise or 9 am) (Mark 15:25). However John says it was "about the sixth hour" when he was still being sentenced by Pilate and before he was led to the cross (John 19:14). The difference lies in the fact that John is thinking Roman time which starts at midnight and thus it was about 6 am. It probably took a few more hours for Christ to make his way to the cross and not hard to imagine that it was accomplished by 9 AM.

Some of the confusion relates to terms used to describe the Passover Feast itself:


"The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 'This month is to be for you the first month [Nisan], the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month [Nisan 10] each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household. . . .The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at Twilight" (Exodus 12:1-6).

Notice that this was the 10th day of Nisan--4 days before Preparation day of Passover which occurs just before the Feast of Passover. Actually the Feast occurs that evening, but according to Jewish time it is actually the next "day".


The day after being questioned about whether he was the Christ, John the Baptist said when he saw Jesus approaching: "look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John later said that the Holy Spirit told him who Christ was and that he is "the Son of God". (John 1:29-34).


John's gospel says that Jesus arrived in Bethany 6 days before the Passover where he stayed at Lazarus' house and had dinner and it's logical to think that he would have spent the night and from there we know he arranged the triumphal entry which occurred on Nisan 10 which was 4 days before the day of Preparation. (I'll explain the missing day later.) The other Gospels didn't state when they arrived at Lazarus' house, only that they were approaching Bethany and Bethphage on the day of Triumphal Entry. It's also possible that Lazarus lived on the other side of Bethany and therefore Jesus had to pass through it to get to Jerusalem and it also seems logical that Jesus would have sent his disciples to Bethany for the colt being as it was up "ahead" instead of all the way to Jerusalem.

Bethany was 2 miles from Jerusalem (1), however, the Mt. of Olives was only a Sabbath day's walk from Jerusalem (see below) that means the Mt. of Olives, where Jesus retired the night he was arrested, was closer to Jerusalem than Bethany and Bethany would not have been within the distance of a Sabbath days walk from Jerusalem. Therefore when we hear that Jesus retired to Bethany for the night we know it was not on a Sabbath. If you will read Mark's account of the few days before the crucifixion you will see that Jesus traveled to Bethany sometime before the 10th, went to Jerusalem on the 10th, and returned to Bethany the next two nights and then back to Jerusalem at least as late as the 12th. Luke tells us, on what must have been the 13th, that Jesus taught in the temple each day and returned to Bethany each night. (luke 21:37) Therefore, being as we know the day of preparation couldn't have been a weekly Sabbath (because of the work involved) and Passover did not occur on a Sabbath either (see below) it was impossible for a Sabbath to occur from Nisan 10 through Nisan 16.


" . . . on the 10th day of this month [Nisan/March or April] each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household. . . . The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight" (Exodus 12:3-6). Other versions say "between the evenings."

The daylight part of the Jewish day was divided into two parts: from sunrise to noon and was considered "the morning" part of the day. From noon to sunset was the "evening" part of the day and therefore when scripture indicates the lamb was to be crucified "between the evenings" it meant half-way between noon and sunset, i.e., about 3 PM.

According to Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon of O.T. the word used in Ex. 12:6, # 6153 called 'ereb means:

"evening . . . in the phrase "between the two evenings" Ex 16:12; 30:8; used as marking the space of time during which the Paschal lamb was slain, Ex 12:6; Lev 23:5; Num 9:3; and the evening sacrifice was offered, Ex 29:39, 41; Num 28:4; i.e., according to the opinion of the Karaites and Samaritans (which is favoured by the words of Deut. 16:6), the time between sunset and deep twilight. The Pharisees, however, and the Rabbinists considered the time when the sun began to descend [similar to an Arabian word which means 'little evening' for when it begins to draw towards evening] to be called the first evening and the second evening to be the real sunset." Therefore the time between when the sun began to descend [early afternoon] and sunset, i.e., the 9th hour according to Jewish time or 3 PM Roman time.

This is corroborated by the Mishnah in Tractate Pesahim by Danby, p. 144, where it says the Passover lamb was to be killed "Bain ehrev" . . . between the evening in its appointed time." And The Chumash by ArtScroll, p 351, Exodus 12:6 says, "the entire congregation of the assembly of Israel shall slaughter it in the afternoon". Josephus further corroborates the time of day of the sacrifices during a Passover feast in his "Wars of the Jews", Ch. IX: "So these high priests, upon the coming of their feast which is called the Passover, when they slay their sacrifices, from the ninth hour to the eleventh [3-5 PM],. . ."

This is the same time of day that Yeshua died on the cross according to Matt. 27:45-50, on the 9th hour, or about 3 PM.


According to Jewish tradition the lambs were to be presented for inspection to the priests in preparation of Passover. After the Lamb was selected they were to take it into their home for those 4 days and keep an eye on it and examine it for flaws. Being as Jesus is our Passover Lamb it seems logical that he would comply with this detail also.

As Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem, Jesus sent two of the disciples ahead to get a donkey:

"The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while other cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. [Crowd shouted Hosanna to the Son of David!] . . . Jesus entered the temple area . . .And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where he spent the night" (Matt 21:1-11 with a quote from Zech. 9:9)

The same day that the Jews were presenting their lambs to be inspected for the Passover we see our own Passover lamb presenting himself to the people of Jerusalem for inspection as their long awaited King. The people accepted him but their leaders did not. He himself was then examined for 4 days by the chief priests, teachers of the law, elders, Pharisees, Sadducees, and even Herodians, but they could not find fault with him and had to rely on false witnesses in order to get him convicted.

This event is one of the keys to figuring out the day of the week for the crucifixion. Notice all the work that is going on. If this would have been a Saturday they would have broken just about every rule regarding the Sabbath rest (see below).


"The Lord's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. On the fifteenth day of that month the Lord's Feast of Unleavened Bread begins; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast. On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work." (Lev. 23:5-7)

All three Gospels state that "while they were eating" Jesus gave them instructions about the Lords Supper or communion. Therefore they were already eating their Passover meal when he performed the famous Last Supper rites and they are not one and the same as so many have supposed. Scripture doesn't say this but apparently Christ arranged for them to eat his last Passover meal 24 hours earlier than everyone else so he could spend the last day with them in a special ceremony where they would learn to commemorate that day in his memory.

Although I haven't been able to verify this it is claimed that there was a law in effect in the days of the crucifixion that allowed people to eat the Passover lamb early because of the enormous crowds of people that came to Jerusalem for the feast. This would also have allowed Rabbi's to arrange a meal for the purpose of rehearsing the details of the festival with one's closest disciples the evening before a major festival such as the Passover Feast. This would explain why there "appeared" to be two separate Passover meals being eaten.

I heard another explanation saying that they all had to be with their own families for the Passover Feast as the actual Passover meal was a family affair and not to be celebrated individually. However, I believe that it is closer to the truth that when they decided to follow Christ they gave up such family obligations which enabled them to fulfill the OT scriptures that speak about the Shepherd being struck and the sheep being scattered (Zech 13:7). If they had merely gone to eat dinner with their families they wouldn't have been considered "scattered".

Therefore, Christ must have celebrated the Passover with his disciples on the eve of Preparation Day--the evening before the day on which he was crucified. Keep in mind that sunset is the start of a new day therefore this would have taken place after sunset shortly after Nisan 13 changed over to Nisan 14.


"On the fourteenth day of the first month [Nisan] the Lord's Passover is to be held. On the fifteenth day of this month there is to be a festival; for seven days eat bread made without yeast (Festival of Unleavened Bread). On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work" (Num 28:16-18).

"The Lord's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. On the fifteenth day of that month the Lord's Feast of Unleavened Bread begins; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast. On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do not regular work. For seven days present an offering made to the Lord by fire. And on the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work" (Lev 23:5-8).

Apparently the word "Passover" can mean anything from Nisan 10 through the week following the first day of Unleavened Bread up to Nisan 21--much like our word for Christmas can mean the whole two weeks from Christmas Eve to the New Years holiday. This is one reason there are so many differences of opinion regarding the timing of the crucifixion. The best way to differentiate between the two days is what is occurring, i.e., are they preparing "for" the Passover or participating "in" the Feast of the Passover.


"Now the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill him. 'But not during the Feast,' they said, 'or the people may riot'" (Mark 14:1-2).

The Passover (Feast) and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are two holidays that start on the same day, the 15th of Nisan, which was a High Holy day --a Holy Sabbath day of rest. There were only two days left by this time so they had to accomplish their plan quickly. (Keep in mind that the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread were eaten right after sundown on the 14th which would actually be the 15th according to Jewish time but actually the same day according to Roman time.)


"Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your god. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor the alien within your gates, so that your man- servant and maidservant may rest, as you do." (Deut 5:12-14).

Please notice that not even donkeys were supposed to work on the Sabbath.

"Everyone is to stay where he is on the seventh day; no one is to go out"
(Ex 16:29).

The distance between Jerusalem and the Mt. of Olives was considered a Sabbath days walk therefore this distance was about 1,200 yards. (Acts 1:12) (2)


A lot of the confusion concerning the date of crucifixion arises from the fact that many don't understand that there were two Sabbath's during crucifixion week--one of them being a Passover which is also called a High Holy Sabbath. Both Sabbaths coincided near the time of Christ's death.

Matt. 28:1 says "After the Sabbath at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb." However, J.P. Green's Interlinear New Testament indicates the word for Sabbath in this instance, #4521, is in the plural form, i.e., there were two Sabbath's that week. This phrase is translated as "after the Sabbath's" in some versions (4).

Luke's account of the burial (Luke 23:44-56) gives us a progression of events that indicate there had to be two Sabbath's involved:

1. Jesus died at 3 PM.
2. Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and got permission to bury Jesus.
3. Nicodemus helped out by purchasing 75 pounds of spices and they both prepared the body for burial before the Passover Sabbath began at sunset (John 19:38-42).
4. The women followed Joseph of Arimathea to the tomb and watched the proceedings of the burial then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes but rested on the Sabbath.
5. The women "bought" the spices after the Sabbath according to Mark 16:1). Being as the next day after the crucifixion (starting on that same evening) was the Passover Sabbath they would have had to wait 24 hours to purchase them unless the next day was also a Sabbath and then they would have had to wait 2 days.

If Jesus had been crucified on Friday there would only have been one day in-between when Christ died and the first day of the week and it would have been a Sabbath. So where and when did they buy the spices?

If Thursday is Crucifixion day the next day is the High Passover Sabbath and the next day is the weekly Sabbath. Because of the back-to-back Sabbath's the women would not have had a chance to buy the spices until right after the weekly Sabbath in the evening (the beginning of Sunday at sundown). They would have had time to prepare them that night and took them to the grave the next morning (Sunday morning).

If Christ was crucified on a Wednesday then there is an intervening weekday between the two Sabbath's but then Christ wouldn't have risen until "after" the 3 day period because He had to rise on Sunday to fulfill the First Fruits and Wave Sheaf offering after the Sabbaths (see below) and the women wouldn't have gone to the grave to anoint his body if he arose on Saturday anyway because it was a Sabbath.


"Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, 'Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you.' He answered, 'A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Matt. 12:38-40).

Mark 16:1 says the women arrived at the tomb just after sunrise which indicates that Christ arose from the dead either shortly before they arrived or sometime during the night after sundown the previous evening. Matthew 28:2 states that there was a violent earthquake when an angel rolled the stone away from the tomb. I believe the earthquake could be a possible indicator of when Christ arose from the grave--i.e., just before sunrise because there will be another great earthquake when he returns the 2nd time (Zech 14:4).

If Jesus was crucified and buried late on a Thursday (Jewish time) and rose again on Sunday sometime between Saturday sundown and sunrise early Sunday morning (Jewish time) that gives us two whole days and parts of 2 other days. Being as Jews consider part of a day a whole day it is very reasonable to assume that the 3 days and 3 nights in a tomb were fulfilled.

However, this isn't necessarily as precise a statement as we've been led to believe.

The expression "three days and three nights" is a figure of speech that was used during the biblical period and does not necessarily mean the same thing that it would mean to us today. When the disciples boldly claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead on the third day (Acts 10.40), no one disputed it. Therefore the phrase "three days and three nights" was obviously a colloquialism of that time and not to be taken literally.


"When the Sabbath was over . . . Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb . . . But when they looked up they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away." And they were told, "He has risen" (Mark 16:1-6). Matthew 38:1 says "After the Sabbaths" as I pointed out before, and also mentions a violent earthquake.

Therefore, Christ rose after both Sabbaths on the first day of the week Sunday. This occurred 3 days after Nisan 14 on Preparation day so it was Nisan 17.

This is the same day the Israelites were delivered from the Egyptians. God instructed them to anoint their doorposts with the blood of the lamb on the twilight of Nisan 14 and he would Passover them on the 15th (after sundown on the 14th) when he would strike down all the firstborn of Egypt. They were instructed to be ready to leave at daybreak on the 15th (morning of the 15th). (Ex 12:1-13) They then traveled day and night for the next few days first to Etham and then to Pi Hahiroth where they encamped by the sea. (Ex 13:20-14:2) After the Egyptians appeared the Lord parted the Red Sea all that night (Ex 14:21) from which the Israelites emerged on the other side as the day was dawning and at which time the sea covered the Egyptians. (Ex 14:27) This event is a shadow of the fulfillment of the day of First Fruits. (see below)

Therefore the people of Israel were "saved" by coming through the Red Sea on the same day of the year and same time of day that Jesus rose from the dead as the "savior" of all who will turn to him--Nisan 17, before dawn.

If you want to do some research on this I believe you will also find that the day the Ark rested on the mountians of Ararat also falls on Nisan 17.


Right after God gave Moses the instructions for Passover he told them about the First fruits/Wave Sheaf offering:

"When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest. He is to wave the sheaf before the Lord so it will be accepted on your behalf; the priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath." (Lev 23:10-11).

This day is very important because the Israelites were to start counting on this day:

"for 7 full weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath and then present an offering of new grain to the Lord. . . . The priest is to wave the two lambs before the Lord as a wave offering, together with the bread of the firstfruits. They are a sacred offering to the Lord for the priest. On that same day you are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work. This is to be a lasting ordinance for all generations to come, wherever you live."

This day is called Pentecost which means fifty days. (Lev. 23:15-21) Compare what happened to the Israelites 50 days after they were "saved" from the Egyptians in Ex. 19:16-19 with Acts 2:1-8 50 days after Christ had risen.

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the first fruits; then when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come . . . " (1 Cor 15:20-24).

Therefore, Jesus fulfilled the offering of the first of the harvest as he was the "First Fruits" and he also fulfilled the day of Pentecost by giving the Holy Spirit to all believers. Jesus' fulfillment of this day proves that this holiday was not to be celebrated the day after the Passover Sabbath but on the weekly Sabbath following Passover, i.e., after both Sabbaths.



If Preparation Day occurred on a Wednesday then we have a whole day on Friday when they did not anoint the body which seems very strange because the next day would have been the regular Sabbath when they would have had to rest again. It was impossible for Christ to have risen on Saturday because that would mean that the women broke the Sabbath by going to anoint his body that morning and Nisan 10 would also have been a Sabbath and hundreds or thousands of people would have broken the Sabbath on that day by cutting palm branches. Christ also would have broken the Sabbath by making the donkey carry a burden. Therefore Christ couldn't have risen until the next day which would have been Sunday which would have entailed 4 days that Christ's body had lain in the tomb instead of 3. What Martha said to Jesus when he was about to raise Lazarus from the dead comes to mind: "But, Lord, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days" (John 11:38). Therefore the day of Preparation for Passover/Christ's crucifixion could not have occurred on a Wednesday.

Another reason this date is not acceptable is because it would have eliminated Christ rising on the day of First Fruits/Wave Sheaf which was the first day after the two Sabbath's, (see First Fruits above) i.e., this day obviously has to occur on a Sunday.


If Christ had been crucified on a Friday then he and all his disciples would have broken the Sabbath by traveling to Lazarus' house on the Sabbath--see John 12:1. However if he died on a Thursday then the day after Christ arrived at Lazarus" house would have been a Saturday and this would account for his stay there an extra day.


Therefore, the only scenario that I can reconcile is that Preparation day was on Thursday because that makes both Nisan 10 (triumphal entry) and Nisan 17 (first fruits/Wave sheaf/resurrection day) and they both land on a day which was not a day of rest according to all the work that was involved on both those days and this also accounts for the two Sabbath's in between the time Christ was crucified and his resurrection.

Exodus 12:14 and Leviticus 23:21 tells us that these feast days are festivals that God's people are to commemorate "for all generations" wherever they live. I therefore would ask any Christians reading this to prayerfully consider whether they should do so.


The following timeline basically follows Mark's Gospel which has the most detailed itinerary of Christ's last week. Each day starts at sundown-- according to Jewish time.

- - - - - Friday Nisan 8 - - - -

Jesus arrives in Bethany to visit Lazarus, Mary and Martha.
A dinner is served in his honor
Jesus' feet anointed with Nard by Mary
Chief priests and Pharisees plotting to arrest Jesus

- - - - - Saturday Nisan 9 - - - -Sabbath

A day of rest still in Bethany

- - - - -Sunday Nisan 10 - - - -Triumphal Entry

Spent the night in Bethany
AM-on the way to Jerusalem
Triumphal Entry
People cutting palm branches
Jesus riding the donkey
Hallelujah to the King
Passover lambs selected
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem and curses it and the temple
Jesus cleanses the Temple (could have happened on Mon.)
Chief priests plotting to kill Jesus

- - - - -Monday Nisan 11 - - - -

Back to Mt. of Olives and Bethany for the night
AM--on the way to Jerusalem
Jesus curses the fig tree
Jesus teaching at Temple early morning
Jesus cleanses the temple (could have happened on Sun.)
Chief priests wanting to kill Jesus
Passover lambs checked for faults

- - - - -Tuesday, Nisan 12 - - - - -

Back to Mt. of Olives and Bethany for the night
AM--on the way to Jerusalem
Fig tree has withered
Jesus teaches at Temple early morning
Chief priests question his authority
Passover lambs checked for faults
Jesus speaks in parables to the Chief priests
Chief priests make further plans to arrest Jesus.
Pharisees, Herodians and Sadducees question Jesus
No more questions
Olivet Discourse upon leaving temple

- - - - Wednesday Nisan 13

Back to Mt. of Olives and Bethany for the night
A woman anoints Jesus' head with pure nard
2 days before Passover and Unleavened Bread
AM--Jesus teaching at the temple early morning
Chief priests desiring to arrest Jesus & kill him before Feast
Passover lambs checked for faults
Judas meets with the chief priests
Jesus makes plans for an early Passover feast

- - - - -Thursday Nisan 14--Preparation day

Jesus stays in Jerusalem
Eats the Passover Feast and the Last Supper around sundown
Jesus retires to Mt. of Olives and Gethsemane to pray after dinner
Judas brings soldiers and betrays Jesus with a kiss
Jesus arrested and taken to the Sanhedrin
False witnesses
Jesus is condemned to death by Sanhedrin and beaten
Judas returns the 30 pieces of Silver and kills himself
Peter disowns Jesus at cockcrow watch--2:30 am
Early AM Chief Priests take Jesus to Pilate
Pilate sends Jesus to Herod
Herod's soldiers ridiculed and mocked him
Herod sends Jesus back to Pilate
Pilate wants to release him
The crowd shouts--Crucify him!!
Pilate has Jesus flogged and hands him over to be crucified
Soldiers beat Jesus
Simon of Cyrene carries Jesus' cross (beam) to Golgotha
Christ is Crucified at 9 AM
From Noon to 3 PM the sky is dark
Jesus dies at 3 PM
Between 3-5 PM thousands of lambs are being slain for Passover
Joseph of Arimathea requests Jesus' body from Pilate
Joseph and Nicodemus prepare his body for burial
2 Marys watch his burial.

- - - - - -Friday Nisan 15 - - - - -Passover day

Passover feast shortly after sundown
Chief priests and Pharisees ask Pilate to put a guard on tomb

- - - - - Saturday Nisan 16 - - - - Sabbath

Day of rest

- - - - - -Sunday Nisan 17 - - - -Resurrection Day

Shortly after sundown (at beginning of the day) the women buy spices
Jesus is resurrected between sundown and sunrise
Shortly after sunrise the women find the tomb empty
Jesus meets with his disciples in Galilee that same day
Praise the Lord! He is risen.

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:29 pm

apa ada:
orang belum mati dikafani dan dikubur?

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:21 pm


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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by Jagona Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:31 am

kok Tuhan bisa mati yaa...... buktinya tuh kain kafannya dah ketemu, dah diteliti ama pakarnya ....... gimana tuh anda menyembah tuhan yang udah mati

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:29 pm

Yesus 3 hari lho..!

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:30 pm

Jagona wrote:kok Tuhan bisa mati yaa...... buktinya tuh kain kafannya dah ketemu, dah diteliti ama pakarnya ....... gimana tuh anda menyembah tuhan yang udah mati

kok hanya kainnya ya? tulang belulangnya kemana?

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:40 pm


Yesus 3 hari lho..!

tuh ada yg lebih hebat, 8 jam mati hidup lagi

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by Orang_Pinggiran Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:54 pm

Tuhan yang meragukan... bingung

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:51 am

ichreza wrote:
tuh ada yg lebih hebat, 8 jam mati hidup lagi

ni orang gimana sih..
cuman 8 jam, Yesus itu 3 hari dikubur

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by SEGOROWEDI Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:53 am

Orang_Pinggiran wrote:Tuhan yang meragukan... bingung

kok hanya kain kafannya, tulang belulangnya kok gak ada?

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penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus Empty Re: penelitian tentang kain kafan Yesus

Post by keroncong Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:59 pm

karena dagingnya belum habis dimakan rayap......

Turin, Shroud of, also called Holy Shroud, Italian Santa
Sindone, a length of linen that for centuries was purported to
be the burial garment of Jesus Christ; it has been preserved
since 1578 in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of San
Giovanni Battista in Turin, Italy. Measuring 14 feet 3 inches
long and 3 feet 7 inches wide, it seems to portray two faint
brownish images, those of the back and front of a gaunt,
sunken-eyed, 5-foot 7-inches man -- as if a body had been laid
lengthwise along one half of the shrould while the other half
had been doubled over the head to cover the whole front of the
body from face to feet. The images contain markings that
allegedly correspond to the stigmata of Jesus, including a
thorn mark on the head, lacerations (as if from flogging) on
the back, bruises on the shoulders, and various stains of what
is presumed to be blood.

The shroud first emerged historically in 1354, when it is
recorded in the hands of a famed knight, Geoffroi de Charnay,
seigneur de Lirey. In 1389, when it went on exhibition, it was
denounced as false by the local bishop of Troyes, who declared
it "cunningly painted, the truth being attested by the artist
who painted it." The Avignon antipope Clement VII (reigned
1378-94) sanctioned its use as an object of devotion provided
that it were exhibited as a "representation" of the true
shroud. Subsequest popes, from Julius II on, however, took its
authenticity for granted. In 1453, Geoffroi de Charnay's
granddaughter Marguerite gave the shroud to the House of Savoy
at Chambery, and there it was damaged by fire and water in
1532. It was moved to the new Savoyard capital of Turin in
1578. Ever since, it has been publicly exhibited only rarely,
as, in recent times, on the marriage of Prince Umberto (1931),
and on the 400th anniversary of its arrival in Turin (1978).

Scholarly analyses --attempting to use scientific methods to
prove or disprove its authenticity-- have been applied to the
shroud since the late 19th century. It was early noticed
(1898) that the sepia-tone images on the shroud seem to have
the character of photographic negatives rather than positives.
Beginning in the 1970s, tests were made to determine whether
the images were the result of paints (or other pigments),
scorches, or other agents; none of the tests proved
conclusive. In 1988 the age of the cloth itself was finally
determined. Three laboratories in different countries were
provided with postage stamp-sized pieces of the shroud's linen
cloth. Having subjected these samples to carbon-14 dating, all
three laboratories concluded that the cloth of the shroud had
been made sometime between AD 1260 and 1390. The Roman
Catholic church accepted the results and announced that the
Shroud of Turin was not authentic, but the church encouraged
Christians to continue venerating the shroud as an inspiring
pictorial image of Christ.***

[Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1994]

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