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Realita genosida oleh kristen

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:49 am

Kita mulai dengan kasus terbaru saja.

Bukan pembantaian etnis karena mereka sama2 orang2 Afrika, tapi yang jelas pembantaian muslim oleh kristen,
catatan pentingnya adalah penjaga keamanan yang sesama kristen hanya melihat saja, dan pelaku dibebaskan karena tidak cukup ruangan untuk memenjarakan orang ehmm

The Last Man Standing: In Memoriam, Saleh Dido.

Pria berpostur tingggi yang lahir limapuluhan tahun yang lalu itu dipilih menjadi wakil walikota Mbaiki, salah satu kota di negara Afrika tengah ketika negara itu 4 tahun sebelum dipimpin oleh presiden Muslim, Michel Djotodia yang mengundurkan diri pada January 2014 karana memburuknya kerusuhan dalam di negara tersebut . Pada saat yang tak terkendali, Pria penyayang yang memiliki beberapa anak dan satu istri ini diajak untuk meninggalkan kota di mana dia dilahirkan. Namun dengan tegas ia menjawab ajakan saudara-saudaranya:

“I was born here. I had children here. I am the deputy mayor for five years, I have sworn, I am a patriot. Why should I leave? I want to live in my country..”

“Saya lahir di sini. Saya mempunyai anak-anak di sini. Lagi pula saya adalah wakil dari walikota selama lima tahun di sini saya telah bersumpah untuk menjadi seorang pahlawan. Mengapa saya harus pergi, karna di sinilah saya ingin hidup..”

Dialah satu satunya saksi yang melihat dihancurkannya puluhan masjid dengan kedua matanya, menyaksikan masjid yang dijadikan bar untuk minum minuman keras, menjadi saksi atas ribuan orang yang dibantai sebelum 20 orang dengan senjata belati dan laras panjang rakitan mendatangi rumahnya yang terletak 300 meter dari base camp tentara perdamaian dan membunuhnya dengan terlebih dahulu seorang perempuan maju untuk memotong kemaluannya dan beberapa orang menyembelihnya.

Pria yang dengan sorot tajam matanya, dengan jas biru , berdasi loreng berdiri dengan penuh kasih di depan rumahnya dengan teras batu bata yang belum sempat dilapisi semen itu kini roboh tewas bersimbah darah dengan leher tergorok. Cita citanya untuk menjadi patriot telah terpenuhi di tangan ganas radikal Kristen Anti Balaka. Ini bukan cerita fiksi, bukan pula provokasi tapi ini adala realita genocida di Afrika tengah.

Muslim Afrika tengah juga manusia seperti anda dan kita. Mereka punya air mata di balik matanya, mereka punya darah di dalam balutan kulit hitam mereka, mereka punya hati yang merasakan perihnya siksaan dan penderitaan, masjid-masjid mereka ingin dijaga sebagaimana gereja-gereja di sini dihormati dan tidak dihancurkan sebagamaina masjid-masjid mereka sekarang ini.

Sebutlah mereka dalam doa doa anda agar kedamaian tercipta kembali dan yang bersalah harus diajukan ke pengadilan untuk menerima keadilan..jangan sebut ini kerusuhan tapi sebutlah ini terorisme yang nyata.

Kisah Tragis Saleh Dido, Bukti Pejabat CAR Tidak Anggap Pembunuhan Muslim Sebagai Kejahatan

PEMBERSIHAN etnis dari populasi Muslim di Republik Afrika Tengah (CAR) terus berlanjut karena banyak pemerintah daerah di negara itu tidak menganggap pembunuhan terhadap umat Islam sebagai kejahatan.

Setelah pecahnya kekerasan sektarian di negara itu pada Desember 2013, sebagian besar warga sipil Muslim telah melarikan diri dari negara Afrika miskin itu untuk menyelamatkan hidup mereka.

Puluhan ribu Muslim CAR yang masih tetap bertahan, terutama di bagian terpencil negara, dihadapkan dengan ancaman pembantaian oleh milisi Kristen di depan mata ribuan tentara Prancis dan pasukan penjaga perdamaian Uni Afrika yang ditempatkan di sana oleh PBB.

Saleh Dido adalah contoh dari seorang Muslim di kota Mbeki yang menolak untuk pergi meninggalkan CAR. Dia beralasan, dirinya dan keluarganya lahir di negeri ini dan sebagai patriot ia bekerja di kantor walikota kota selama lima tahun. “Mengapa saya harus pergi,” ujar Dido.

“Sisa dari komunitas Muslim meninggalkan kota tetapi ia ingin tetap tinggal,” kata otoritas lokal menceritakan tentang Dido.

Namun hanya beberapa hari yang lalu, Dido diserang oleh sekelompok pemuda Kristen di sebelah Balai Kota tempat di mana ia bekerja.

Hanya 300 meter dari lokasi dimana Dido diserang adalah pangkalan pasukan “penjaga perdamaian” Afrika yang gagal melindunginya.

Seorang kolonel di pangkalan menunjukkan capture video dari apa yang terjadi selama serangan terhadap Dido. Video itu menunjukkan dia disiksa, kemaluannya dipotong oleh seorang wanita dan tenggorokannya disembelih.

Kolonel itu kemudian menunjukkan foto-foto dari para pelaku, yang kemudian ditangkap dan diserahkan kepada kepala polisi daerah.

“Mereka sekarang bebas,” kata pejabat setempat. “Kami membiarkan mereka pergi. Kami mengidentifikasi mereka dan kami membiarkan mereka pergi karena kami tidak memiliki tempat untuk menahan 20 orang.”

Sementara itu, kantor Saleh Dido di balai kota sekarang kosong. Tugasnya akan segera diisi, tanpa diragukan lagi oleh Kristen setempat.[fq/islampos/prtv]

On Feb. 28, a crowd of nearly 100 people turned up at his home, according to witness accounts.

"All the other Muslims have left. Why are you still there?" they demanded.

What happened next is disputed. Some neighbors allege Dido fired arrows into the crowd first, wounding several people. Others say he did so only in a desperate attempt to defend his life.

Then he began to run.

The path to the police station took him a mile (2 kilometers) uphill, past dozens of tin roof homes and phone-charging shacks. No one tried to help.

The mob chased him, armed with knives. Panting and exhausted, he made it to the roundabout a few hundred meters (yards) from the police station. There, as he caught his breath, the crowd descended on him.

They ripped off his clothes. They slit his throat. They attacked him repeatedly until his head nearly fell off. One woman even cut off his genitals.

Two police officers were there. But the attackers threatened to harm the families of anyone who sheltered Muslims, so they did nothing. Police commandant Yvon Bemakassoui declined to discuss the case.

By the time peacekeepers from the Republic of Congo arrived, Dido was dead. His corpse lay in a drainage ditch on the side of the road.

The peacekeepers arrested 22 people, including five women, and handed them over to the police. Photos show the suspects lying face down on the ground.

They all were set free. Most escaped into the jungle forest outside town, residents say. Nobody was charged.

In the end, even in death, Dido never got his wish to stay in Mbaiki. The Red Cross buried his body in another town three miles away.

There are no longer any Muslims in that town either.


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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:14 pm

Mengingat Lupa...

Propaganda ISIS untuk menyudutkan Islam tidaklah membuat genosida dari teroris kristen harus dilupakan.

US envoy: Almost every CAR mosque destroyed in war

US ambassador to UN Samantha Power calls devastation in Central African Republic "kind of crazy, chilling" after visit.

Almost all of the 436 mosques in the Central African Republic have been destroyed by months of vicious fighting between Christians and Muslims, the US ambassador to the United Nations said.
Samantha Power spoke to reporters on Tuesday after a Security Council visit last week to the country, calling the devastation "kind of crazy, chilling".
She expressed concern about an upcoming possible security vacuum as European Union and French forces pull out and a UN peacekeeping force is still not at full strength.
At least 5,000 people have been killed since Central African Republic exploded into unprecedented violence in December 2013.
Nearly one million of the country's 4.5 million residents have been displaced. Many of those who have fled are Muslim.
Power said 417 of the country's mosques have been destroyed. She visited the one remaining Muslim neighbourhood in the capital, Bangui, and described the residents as "a terrified population".

Some Muslim women, afraid of leaving the community while wearing their veils, are choosing to give birth in their homes instead of hospitals, the ambassador said.
UN peacekeepers, French forces and a European Union military operation have tried to calm the violence.
But Power said the last of the EU force of about 750 troops left the Central African Republic over the weekend, shortly after the Security Council visit.
"That's a big drop-off in capability," she said. Meanwhile, the French forces have announced a "substantial drawdown" by the end of this year. France had sent 2,000 troops to its former colony.
The UN peacekeeping force remains at about 80 percent of its planned strength of about 10,000, Power said.
The UN secretary-general last month asked for more than 1,000 additional peacekeepers, and Power said the council is "very favorably disposed" to the request.
She said the combined forces have "averted a worst-case scenario," but the country's roving armed groups remain armed.
The ambassador called that a deep cause for concern and said disarmament is a "huge priority".


Mikail Atolagbe: Ignorance is a poison. Is that what you were told about Islam or what your head cooked up? CAR is a country of christians. The Muslims aided a particular christian to win an election while other sect of christians felt bad about that. When the aided christian head eventually resigned, the christians citizens pounced on the innocent Muslims in retaliation for helping that christian to win.... Stop this propaganda and lies about what is happening in CAR... Why make cheap the blood of the Muslims? The world especially France is looking on and not doing enough.

RaziAshraf1: Hmm...let's take an assessment. The holocaust of The native Americans wiping them out completely.was it the Muslims. was the Christians of Europe who committed the world's greatest genocide. The use of germ warfare on the Korean population during the fifties.the muslims? Sorry no again. Who started ww1 and ww2.? The Muslims? No again. Who dropped the first atomic weapon in human history on two populated cities in Japan? The Muslims? No again. Who used the deadliest chemical weapons against the civilian population of Vietnam killing millions? The Muslims? no again. Who bombed and killed a good million people in Iraq on a reason based on a lie? Who has been bombing several Muslim countries using drones killing thousands and thousands of civilians on the baseless reason of 'hunting down terrorists?' Who committed genocide on the indigenous population of countries like Australia and new Zealand. Ask the aborigines of Australia their history? All these populations were wiped out in the name of Christianity. Hey. Wait a minute. The holocaust that saaw 6 million Jews go the gas chamber. Was it the Muslims? Sorry guys. It was very much a christian experiment complimented even by the churches. The French are known notproosly for their acts of genocide in Algeria until they were thrown out by the great Algerian revolution. They slaughtered million and tortured about the same .they taught these evil mind to the Africas whom they colonized turning them into 'good Christians'. These good Christians have been encouraged , funded, supplied with weapons and actually aided by the French governments.Muslim Africans following their religion in peace have been wiped out at the instigation of Jesuit priests evangelist Europeans. Who know how to control the mind of the naive African. What were 2000 French troops doing in the poor African countries of central africa? They had this genocide planned all along.this is why they got rid of the saviour of Africa newly Gaddafi on false reasons. The path was laid for cold blooded murder and genocide of the Muslims and anew colonization once again to plunder the resources of Africa has begun again.thanks to the stupid African. Christians. Savagery of its worst kind has been committed BT these African christians encouraged by the christian powers of Europe and the us.. It is said that it is god who is the final planner. And god knows best. May the curse of God fall 9n all these forces of evil who kill innocent humans. Despite them being the creation of god. May the curses fall on all those who create strife and chaoas in the lands of the poor to achieve their evil political gains and ambition of plunder and destruction. Amen.


Shaz Lion: All mosques are destroyed in Central Africa on the Orders of NWO aka Gog Magog World Order and this Order is New but Old Free Massons Catholic Roman Mafia Order..........These are the People who Control All World Banks, Govts., Industrial Complexes, Churches, Insurgent Groups like ISIS, Boko Haram, Kurdish Rebels like (PKK, Peshmargar etc.)
West is Pure Evil and All people whether Muslims, Christians, Jews etc who support West are Part of Gog Magog World Order and bound to Hell only........! Open Your Eyes before these NWO freaks start Nuclear Genocidal Wars in the World as these people have almost 80 percent of World Resources and Money.....and they are working on rest of 20% World resources to get them by Hook or crook!

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:39 pm

Sambil berteriak YESUS AKBAR KAH??

Karena perintah Yesuskah untuk membunuh??


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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:46 pm


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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:54 pm

Cain2nd wrote:Sambil berteriak YESUS AKBAR KAH??

Karena perintah Yesuskah untuk membunuh??

G pernah baca bible ya? ehmm

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:04 pm

isaku wrote:
Cain2nd wrote:Sambil berteriak YESUS AKBAR KAH??

Karena perintah Yesuskah untuk membunuh??

G pernah baca bible ya? ehmm

Ga ngerti sarkasme ya?? piss

Belajar lagi sono neng ketawa guling

Baca link lol

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:12 pm

ketawa2, guling2, seserian.... bible g dibaca bisa omong gede.... hadeuh....

cain, loe kalo punya kawan yang berkualitas bawain kemari deh, sama loe kek ngadapin mario yang baru terbang naik garuda piss

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:13 pm

isaku wrote:ketawa2, guling2, seserian.... bible g dibaca bisa omong gede.... hadeuh....

cain, loe kalo punya kawan yang berkualitas bawain kemari deh, sama loe kek ngadapin mario yang baru terbang naik garuda piss  


Note : Nyontoh si nabi yang maha UMMI ya?? binar

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:23 pm

Ignorance is a poison. Is that what you were told about Islam or what your head cooked up? CAR is a country of christians. The Muslims aided a particular christian to win an election while other sect of christians felt bad about that. When the aided christian head eventually resigned, the christians citizens pounced on the innocent Muslims in retaliation for helping that christian to win.... Stop this propaganda and lies about what is happening in CAR... Why make cheap the blood of the Muslims? The world especially France is looking on and not doing enough.

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:35 pm

isaku wrote:
Ignorance is a poison. Is that what you were told about Islam or what your head cooked up? CAR is a country of christians. The Muslims aided a particular christian to win an election while other sect of christians felt bad about that. When the aided christian head eventually resigned, the christians citizens pounced on the innocent Muslims in retaliation for helping that christian to win.... Stop this propaganda and lies about what is happening in CAR... Why make cheap the blood of the Muslims? The world especially France is looking on and not doing enough.


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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:52 pm
The minority Muslim population in the Central African Republic is being targeted in a relentless wave of coordinated violence that is forcing entire communities to leave the country, Human Rights Watch said today. The Central African Republic government as well as French and African peacekeepers should take urgent steps to protect the remaining Muslim population from revenge attacks by predominantly Christian militias and allied residents.

Apa sih sebabnya jadi BALAS DENDAM?? IGNORANCE IS POISON?? U JUST HAVE IT IN UR BRAIN, M*R*N!! ketawa guling

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by frontline defender Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:40 pm

lha iya, beles dendam nya cuman karena kalah pemilu kan? bobo
frontline defender
frontline defender

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:49 pm

frontline defender wrote:lha iya, beles dendam nya cuman karena kalah pemilu kan? bobo

Baca yang bener ketawa guling

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by frontline defender Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:07 pm

ini bacanya apa emang?
The Muslims aided a particular christian to win an election while other sect of christians felt bad about that.
frontline defender
frontline defender

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:11 pm

frontline defender wrote:ini bacanya apa emang?
The Muslims aided a particular christian to win an election while other sect of christians felt bad about that.

The anti-balaka (“anti-machete”) militias are increasingly organized and using language that suggests their intent is to eliminate Muslim residents from the Central African Republic. The anti-balaka blame the Muslim population for the rise of the predominantly Muslim Seleka rebel group, which took power in March 2013 and committed horrific abuses against the country’s majority Christian population over the last 11 months.
Sure blind u r mot piss

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:16 pm

In response to an attack on a Catholic civilian compound by Islamist Seleka rebels, young men of the mostly Christian anti-Balaka milita group in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui are fighting back by plundering a Muslim mosque and barricading streets throughout the city.The incident is the latest is a series of sectarian attacks which has torn the small African nation apart over the past year.

DAMN....WHAT's WRONG WITH THE EYES OF MOT?? WTF SO M*R*N bacot ketawa guling

Useless eyes

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:55 am

Fakta yang ingin diangkat disini adalah genosida oleh kristen. Itu sesuatu yang tidak bisa dibantah.

Latarbelakang peristiwa bisa prokontra untuk diperdebatkan.

Kira2 seperti ini:

2003 François Bozizé pemberontak kristen merebut pemerintahan dengan kekerasan
2005 François Bozizé menang Pemilu untuk kembali menjadi presiden
2011 Pemilu lagi dan François Bozizé diduga kalah dan melakukan kecurangan untuk mempertahankan kekuasaannya

In 2011 Bozizé was reelected in an election which was widely considered fraudulent

Kecurangan pemilu dan tuduhan Bozizé melanggar perjanjian damai tahun 2007 menimbulkan pemberontakan, dan kekerasan bersenjata terjadi oleh pemerintah yang ingin membungkam pemberontak dan sebaliknya. Pemberontak membentuk grup yang disebut  Séléka (muslim). Dan Bozizé menyerukan genosida terhadap muslim.

President Bozizé was indicted for crimes against humanity and incitement of genocide

Mei 2013 Séléka merebut pemerintahan, Bozizé melarikan diri. Michel Djotodia (muslim) menjadi presiden.

Séléka diduga melakukan kekerasan sebagai pembalasan kekerasan oleh Bozizé.

September 2013 Presiden Djotodia yang menginginkan perdamaian membubarkan Séléka yang dianggap lepas kontrol. Sebagian besar meletakkan senjata, sebagian lainnya menolak.

Bubarnya Séléka memberi kesempatan pada kelompok kristen yang merasa dendam kepada Séléka dan membentuk anti-balaka dan mulai  melakukan apa yang diinginkan Bozizé yaitu genosida.

Anti-balaka tidak terhentikan dan membuat presiden Djotodia mengundurkan diri Januari 2014.

Januari 2014 Presiden pengganti Catherine Samba-Panza (kristen) meminta anti-balaka meletakkan senjata, namun genosida tetap terjadi sampai seluruh muslim mengungsi atau terbunuh bahkan walaupun pasukan perdamaian internasional berada disana.

International peacekeepers have failed to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Muslim civilians in the western part of the Central African Republic, Amnesty International said in a report issued today.

To protect the country’s remaining Muslim communities, international peacekeeping forces must break the control of anti-balaka militias and station sufficient troops in towns where Muslims are threatened.

“Anti-balaka militias are carrying out violent attacks in an effort to ethnically cleanse Muslims in the Central African Republic,” said Joanne Mariner, senior crisis response adviser at Amnesty International.

“The result is a Muslim exodus of historic proportions.”

Amnesty International criticized the international community’s tepid response to the crisis, noting that international peacekeeping troops have been reluctant to challenge anti-balaka militias, and slow to protect the threatened Muslim minority.

“International peacekeeping troops have failed to stop the violence,” said Donatella Rovera, senior crisis response adviser at Amnesty International.

“They have acquiesced to violence in some cases by allowing abusive anti-balaka militias to fill the power vacuum created by the Seleka’s departure.”

Pasukan perdamaian yang dikirim sepertinya adalah para pendukung genosida dan memastikan pembantaian berjalan lancar  ehmm

Terakhir diubah oleh isaku tanggal Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:33 am, total 1 kali diubah

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:10 am

As the Seleka withdrew, the international forces allowed the anti-balaka militias to take control of town after town. The resulting violence and forcible expulsion of Muslim communities were predictable.

Central African Republic: Tales of horror

“The anti-balaka came in, took my son Abdel to the market and shot him dead. I saw a group of anti-balaka coming towards my home and I crouched against the wall to show them that was not a threat. One of them shot me three times, twice in the abdomen and once in my right arm, and left me for dead.”
--Imam Mahajir, 76, who survived clashes between anti-balaka and armed Muslim civilians and remnants of Seleka forces in Bossemptele on 18 January.

“My father, Soba Tibati, could hardly walk and could not run away when the anti-balaka attacked our village. They decapitated him in front of my eyes as he sat on a straw mat under a tree outside our hut. Twelve other members of my family were also massacred in the same attack. The youngest was a baby girl who was just six months old.”

--Dairu Soba, survivor of an attack by anti-balaka fighters in Boyali on 8 January.

“It was prayer time when a large group of young men armed with machetes burst into our compound. Everything happened very quickly. They did not say anything; they just started to hit us with machetes. They struck my father, Sanu, and smashed his head, killing him on the spot, and they injured my mother, Fatimatu, and her sister Aichatu, who died of her injuries before she could reach the hospital. She left an eight-month-old baby girl, Ramatu.”

--The relative of several people killed by anti-balaka in Bouali, 100km north of Bangui on 17 January.

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:21 am

Just read the articles MOT piss

Ketika umat Kristen membalas habis2an maka kemudian di katakan melakukan Kejahatan Perang??

Ketika Umat Buddha membalas habis2an maka kemudian di katakan melakukan Kejahatan Perang??

What a joke !! ketawa guling

Tapi yah itulah kesuksesan Tqqiya dan propaganda dari VICTIM MENTALITY MOT di hadapan dunia International akibat POLITICAL CORRECTNESS negara2 Barat.

Tetapi MOT, u cant hide the Truth forever. And the history of Myanmar and CAR will be happen again in this world on other country. Trust me.

Saat ini masih banyak orang yang terbuai oleh tipuan loe MOT, tetapi sudah banyak pula yang tersadar dari tipuan kalian.

ketawa guling



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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:38 am

cain wrote:Cek awal mulanya deh TAHUN LALU itu siapa yang ngebante siapa piss

kalau menurut otak kalian yang pada "luar biasa" itu :

Video di atas itu bagaimana?? Biadab kagak??


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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:40 am

Cain2nd wrote:Just read the articles MOT piss

Ketika umat Kristen membalas habis2an maka kemudian di katakan melakukan Kejahatan Perang??

Ketika Umat Buddha membalas habis2an maka kemudian di katakan melakukan Kejahatan Perang??

What a joke !! ketawa guling

Tapi yah itulah kesuksesan Tqqiya dan propaganda dari VICTIM MENTALITY MOT di hadapan dunia International akibat POLITICAL CORRECTNESS negara2 Barat.

Tetapi MOT, u cant hide the Truth forever. And the history of Myanmar and CAR will be happen again in this world on other country. Trust me.

Saat ini masih banyak orang yang terbuai oleh tipuan loe MOT, tetapi sudah banyak pula yang tersadar dari tipuan kalian.

ketawa guling

Kalau kamu mau membenarkan genosida ya terserah piss

Latar belakang konflik kan bisa diperdebatkan, dan kejahatan perang memang dilakukan kedua belah pihak.


Yang memalukan adalah Seleka membubarkan diri dan meletakkan senjata dan pasukan internasional sudah datang untuk perdamaian.

Malah Genosida dipastikan berlangsung sempurna dengan penuh kasih sayang piss

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:48 am

The conflict in the Central African Republic began as many conflicts do: with the overthrow of an unpopular leader. Since then, however, it has taken on a decidedly religious tone. First, it was Muslims terrorizing Christians; today, the Christians are the ones on the offensive.

A year ago, Muslims made up 15 percent of the country’s population.

Since then, many have been killed or displaced, with thousands fleeing to neighboring countries.

By early March the Muslim population in the capital Bangui, stood at just 900—down from as many as 145,000, according to U.N. figures cited by the Guardian.

The conflict began in March 2013 when a group of rebels formed a coalition known as the Seleka, which means “alliance” in the local language.

The group overthrew President Francois Bozizé and one of the leaders, Michel Djotodia, declared himself the new president — the country’s first Muslim president.

In September, Djotodia attempted to disband the Seleka, but the rebels refused to disarm and instead started killing, looting and burning villages, the Guardian reported.

By September, the conflict was starting to take a more religious turn. Members of the mainly Muslim Seleka included fighters from neighboring Chad and as well as Janjaweed militiamen from the Darfur region of Sudan, the Guardian said.

“An ‘us and them’ mentality of mutual distrust and paranoia is taking root, with some Christians taking up arms in vigilante militias known as ‘anti-balaka’ — meaning ‘anti-sword’ or ‘anti-machete’ — and committing atrocities of their own, giving the Seleka a pretext for yet more aggression,” the newspaper reported.

Djotodia stepped down in January, and Catherine Samba-Panza, a Christian, took over.

After Djotodia left office, Seleka were soon retreating to the north, attacking Christians along the way. But the anti-balaka began to gain the advantage in other parts of the country, looting Muslim homes and destroying mosques. An exodus of Muslims began.

In PK5, a neighborhood of the capital city, Bangui, the Muslim population was estimated to have fallen from about 7,000 to just 1,000, the Guardian reported.
In another neighborhood, PK12, the population went from about 25,000 to 2,700 in six months, according to Ibrahim Alawad, a lawyer who lived there.

“They’re not killing the Muslims, they’re sweeping them,” Alawad said, as quoted in the Guardian. “Imagine someone wants to kill you, roast you on the fire and eat you. It’s the hell of the hell. There are no living conditions here.”
Christian militias “freely admit that theirs in an exercise in vengeance, an eye for an eye, and that they will not stop until they have ‘cleaned’ the country of Muslims,” the newspaper said.

“I’m not sad at all because when Seleka took power the Muslims, who were our best friends, were the ones destroying the houses and killing people,” Sebastien Wenezoui, who helped instigate the anti-balaka, told the Guardian. “It’s a kind of lesson. They acted like betrayers so they have to go and learn something and come back with respectful behavior.”

Though the massacres of December and January have come to a temporary halt, “inter-communal hatred remains at a terrifying level as evidenced by the extraordinary vicious level of the killings,” said Navi Pillay, the UN human rights chief, according to the New York Times. “This has become a country where people are not just killed, they are tortured, mutilated, burned and dismembered.

Pillay added that there were still killings daily, and that the number of rapes and other sexual attacks was on the rise.

The anti-balaka groups are not the only ones pushing out Muslims; regular rural countrymen are participating, too.

Donatella Rovera is Amnesty International’s senior investigator in crisis response. She said in a March interview with the Guardian Africa network that the anti-balaka and their supporters are saying that Muslims are all foreigners, and that they should leave CAR.

“So Muslims are paying the price for what the Seleka did — all Muslims are being labeled as foreigners and the anti-balaka are saying very clearly that they don’t want any Muslims, they must leave, and there is no space for them,” she said.
Class resentment is also a factor, as Muslims were often merchants and wealthier than their Christian neighbors, she said.

Rovera said that genocide is not the right term to use for the conflict in CAR, but that it is a clear case of ethnic cleansing.

Given the thousands of deaths amidst sectarian fighting and the displacement of the country’s Muslim population, Rovera said CAR is a clear case of ethnic cleansing.

“A community is being targeted for physical liquidation by being forced out of a particular area — the definition is absolutely spot on for this case,” she said.

That means the Central African Republic’s recent demographic change could become permanent. Rovera said Muslims have been forced not only out of their towns but also out of the country, with their homes destroyed.

“In the near future it is very difficult to see people coming back,” she said.

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by isaku Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:57 am

Tak tambahin nih:

Children are reportedly targeted by Christian anti-balaka gangs set up in wake of attacks by Muslim Seleka rebels

They brought in the bodies one by one, laying them down on a white sheet concealed behind a flimsy black curtain. Among them was a man, probably in his 20s, his head twisted leftward, the skull dented on one side and cracked open on the other. The others also had fatal head injuries that stained the sheet crimson. The first flies began settling on the five corpses.

In the courtyard outside, voices were raised in anger and bewilderment. Mothers in pink and purple hijabs sobbed and wailed and a middle-aged man, possibly unused to naked shows of emotion, sat and gently wept. Finally the iron gate of the mosque was thrown open and the mourners surged forward to gaze at the dead. An imam, donning a plastic smock over his white robe, prepared to wash them while another man began cutting cotton shrouds for the day's burials.

The macabre scene in an area known as PK5 has become almost commonplace in Bangui, the humid and decaying capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), where Muslims are under siege. It has also been played out in towns and villages in the west of the country, redrawing the demographic map.

Muslims came here to trade in the early 19th century and made up 15% of the CAR's population a year ago, but since then untold thousands have been killed or displaced or have fled to neighbouring countries. The UN said last week that while 130,000 to 145,000 Muslims normally lived in the capital, Bangui, the population had been reduced to around 10,000 in December and now stood at just 900.

Amnesty International has called it "ethnic cleansing" and warned of a "Muslim exodus of historic proportions".

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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:06 pm

isaku wrote:
Cain2nd wrote:Just read the articles MOT piss

Ketika umat Kristen membalas habis2an maka kemudian di katakan melakukan Kejahatan Perang??

Ketika Umat Buddha membalas habis2an maka kemudian di katakan melakukan Kejahatan Perang??

What a joke !! ketawa guling

Tapi yah itulah kesuksesan Tqqiya dan propaganda dari VICTIM MENTALITY MOT di hadapan dunia International akibat POLITICAL CORRECTNESS negara2 Barat.

Tetapi MOT, u cant hide the Truth forever. And the history of Myanmar and CAR will be happen again in this world on other country. Trust me.

Saat ini masih banyak orang yang terbuai oleh tipuan loe MOT, tetapi sudah banyak pula yang tersadar dari tipuan kalian.

ketawa guling

Kalau kamu mau membenarkan genosida ya terserah piss

Latar belakang konflik kan bisa diperdebatkan, dan kejahatan perang memang dilakukan kedua belah pihak.


Yang memalukan adalah Seleka membubarkan diri dan meletakkan senjata dan pasukan internasional sudah datang untuk perdamaian.

Malah Genosida dipastikan berlangsung sempurna dengan penuh kasih sayang piss

Memalukan ataupun tidak itu terserah pandangan loe MOT. piss

Belum liat orang sudah HABIS SABAR ya?? Ga pernah liat PEMBANTAIAN SAMPIT ya??

What a M*R*N basi

Instropeksi diri sebelum ngomong deh MOT ketawa guling

Tidak ada asap klo tidak ada api MOT.

Selama loe2 pada masih bertindak keji karena ajaran / perintah dalam qoran loe, bersiap-siaplah mendengar kejadian seperti di SAMPIT, MYANMAR dan AFRIKA TENGAH terjadi kembali di negara lainnya.



Just Remember that lol

Kafir itu cinta damai, ajaran kafir itu memerintahkan untuk mengasihi sesama manusia. Tetapi kafirpun adalah manusia biasa MOT, kalau kesabaran kami sudah HABIS, maka kejadian tersebut yang melanggar ajaran kami pasti akan terjadi kembali.


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Realita genosida oleh kristen Empty Re: Realita genosida oleh kristen

Post by Cain2nd Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:12 pm

Maka, ingatlah MOT. Semutpun akan melawan balik kalau di injak, apalagi manusia.

kalau HABIS SABAR ya nikmatinlah hasil dari perbuatan loe sebelumnya terhadap mereka.

Kalau kagak ada apa2 eh ngelakuin tuh genosida (katanya) baru gue ngedukung loe. Lah umat loe duluan yang suka cari gara2 di AFRIKA TENGAH sana, giliran dibalas TUNTAS tuh HUTANG malah mewek2.

Kasian gue sama loe MOT. Klo ga sanggup nanggung pembalasan orang ya jangan suka nyari gara2 dong di negara orang piss

Karma tuh kata kata ajaran sebelah. binar

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