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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Follow_me

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Follow_me

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by isaku Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:31 pm

Is it possible that there were Muslims in the Americas before Columbus? Some claim that Muslims came to America hundreds of years before Columbus arrived in the New World. Are the claims true?

Now some are suggesting that Muslims came to the Americas, possibly as early as the 700s. These researchers argue that Muslims came from Islamic Spain, particularly the port of Delba (Pelos) during the rule of Caliph Abdullah Ibn Mohammed (888-912). A book by a Muslim historian details the story of a Muslim navigator on a journey across the ocean to an unknown land, where they found much treasure. The historian, Abul-Hassan Al-Masudi, added a map of the world to his book, one that contained “a large area in the ocean of darkness and fog (the Atlantic Ocean) which he referred to as the unknown territory (the Americas).

Mroueh cited an Australian archeologist, Dr. Barry Fell, a marine biologist who claimed to find extensive archeological evidence of a significant Muslim presence in the New World in his book, Saga America. Fell drew parallels between West African peoples and Native Americans in the southwest, including cultural and linguistic similarities, and the existence of Islamic petroglyphs in the southwestern region. In particular, Fell mentioned a carving that he believed was done centuries before Columbus that states in Arabic: “Yasus bin Maria” (Jesus son of Mary), a phrase commonly found in the Koran.


A copy of a 600-year-old map found in a second-hand book shop is the key to proving that the Chinese, not Christopher Columbus, were the first to discover the New World, a controversial British historian claims.
The document is purportedly an 18th century copy of a 1418 map charted by Chinese Admiral Zheng He, which appears to show the New World in some detail.
This purported evidence that a Chinese sailor mapped the Western Hemisphere more than seven decades before Columbus is just one of Earth-shattering claims that author Gavin Menzies makes in his new book ‘Who Discovered America?’ - out today, just in time for the Columbus Day holiday.
‘The traditional story of Columbus discovering the New World is absolute fantasy, it’s fairy tales,’ Mr Menzies told MailOnline.

Furthermore, he says a majestic fleet of Chinese ships, commanded by Zheng He, sailed around the continent of South America - 100 years before Ferdinand Megellan supposedly became the first the undertake the task.
Columbus features heavily in the book - insofar as Menzies has devoted the last 20 years to finding and laying out evidence that Columbus not only didn’t discover America - he was 40 millenia late.
Mr Menzies believes that Columbus actually had a map of the world that was plotted by the Chinese Admiral Zheng He, who created the map when he sailed to the New World in 1421, more than seven decades before Columbus.
Author: China fleet landed in Americas before Columbus

Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Articl11


Various archaeological excavations, including coins, tools and utensils have shown the existence of Muslims in America. Also, linguistic and philological analyses of languages and settlement names in America show similarity with those used by Muslims in Abbasids Caliphate.

Another surprising discovery of Muslim presence in America, was in 1787, when Reverend Thaddeus Mason Harris acquired some coins discovered by workers during road construction in Massachusetts. The coins were sent to library of Harvard College. Upon examination it was observed that the coins were in fact Samarqand dirhams from the eighth and ninth centuries and the inscriptions on the coin stated ‘La ilaha ill-Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah’ (There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is His Messenger) and Bismillah (in the name of God). This showed that the Caliphate had an established monetary system that was being used even in the most furthest of areas to which they Muslims travelled.

Columbus and other Spanish and Portuguese explorers, had benefitted from the geographical and navigational knowledge based prepared by Muslims. For instance Al-Masudi’s (871-957 CE) work Muruj’uz-Zahab, was based on compilations of Muslim traders from across Asia and Africa.

Moreover, two of Columbus’ captains on the first voyage, in actual fact, were Muslims: Martin Alonso Pinzon was in charge of the Pinta, while his brother Vicente Yanez Pinzon was the designated captain of Nina; both were from the Moroccan Marinid dynasty, descendants of Sultan Abu Zayan Muhammad III (r. 1362-1366). Accounts also exist, by sixteenth century missionaries in America that reveal that the local copper mines in Virginian, Tennessee and Wisconsin were operated by people from Middle-east, whom the natives respected.

Also research shows that a sum of 565 names, 484 in America and 81 in Canada, of cities, towns, villages, mountains, rivers and lakes etc. are etymologically Arabic, designated by locals long before the arrival of Columbus. Many of these names are in fact the same as names of Islamic places e.g Mecca in Indiana, Medina in Idaho, Medina in New York etc.

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by Paradise OK Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:43 pm

judul TS, mungkin dijadikan sumber buku mata pelajaran dipesantren tertentu
jadi wajar pada buta sejarah dunia

Paradise OK

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by isaku Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:11 pm

Paradise OK wrote:
judul TS, mungkin dijadikan sumber buku mata pelajaran dipesantren tertentu
jadi wajar pada buta sejarah dunia

bukan buku di pesantren tapi di amerika justru ketiwi


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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by Paradise OK Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:31 pm

ya ela, siaran itu udah basiuuuuh gk tahan bau hoaxnya. tidak heran udah kebiasaan dpt berita gituan langsung ditelen

Paradise OK

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by isaku Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:43 pm

sejarah tidak pernah basi piss

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by Paradise OK Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:42 pm

siarannya yang basi, bau hoaxnya kepalang tanggung
tanpa dipikir langsung ditelen

kalau siarannya tidak basi, ya bisa jadi sumber alternatif sejarah terbarukan dalam panggung sejarah dunia
dan diterima sampai dijadikan referensi sejarah dunia

toch sumber filmu itu sampai dgn hari ini dianggap basi oleh sejarah dunia
kecuali duniamu

Paradise OK

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by isaku Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:25 pm

Paradise OK wrote:
siarannya yang basi,  bau hoaxnya kepalang tanggung
tanpa dipikir langsung ditelen

kalau siarannya tidak basi, ya bisa jadi sumber alternatif sejarah terbarukan dalam panggung sejarah dunia
dan diterima sampai dijadikan referensi sejarah dunia

toch sumber filmu itu sampai dgn hari ini dianggap basi oleh sejarah dunia
kecuali duniamu

Pak ok skeptis banget, persis pendapat gereja2 tempo dulu ttg Galileo, yang pada akhirnya harus menjilat ludah sendiri

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by Paradise OK Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:01 pm

ini bukan masalah skeptis, tapi sesuatu hal hubungannya dgn sejarah yg belum teruji seleksi dari sisi pembuktian sejarah jangan langsung ditelen

dua ilmuwan yang bernama Nikolas Kopernikus (1473-1543 M) dan Galileo Galilei (1564-1542 M). Keduanya dikenal sebagai tokoh yang mempopulerkan teori Heliosentris. Pada waktu konsep ini mulai berkembang, gereja merespon pandangan ini secara negatif dan menganggap keduanya sebagai pengajar ajaran sesat yang merendahkan otoritas gereja dan Alkitab. Mereka pun dipaksa untuk mengubah pandangan.

Satu hal yang perlu diketahui dalam perseteruan ini adalah perseteruan ini lebih bersifat filosofis daripada teologis. Yang ditentang oleh dua ilmuwan tersebut bukanlah otoritas Alkitab tetapi validitas filsafat Aristotelian yang mendasari pandangan geosentris (bumi sebagai pusat dari tata surya) yang dianut oleh gereja, bukan Alkitab.

Bukti lain bahwa Kopernikus dan Galileo tidak berusaha merendahkan ajaran Alkitab dapat dilihat dari kesalehan dan iman mereka. Dari semua catatan tentang kehidupan dan perkataan Galileo terlihat bahwa dia adalah seorang Katholik yang ketat. Dalam suratnya kepada Madame Christina, pemimpin di Tuscany, Galileo menulis dengan tegas bahwa Kitab Suci tidak mungkin menyatakan sesuatu yang tidak benar. Ia juga menegaskan bahwa Kopernikus tidak mengabaikan Alkitab.

Paradise OK

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Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika? Empty Re: Bukan Columbus, tapi Muslimlah penemu Amerika?

Post by isaku Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:32 pm

Saya katakan skeptis karena cara penolakan yang dilakukan gereja dulu persis seperti halnya omelan pak ok di trit ini.... membantah tanpa ilmu


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