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Sahih Muslim -Complete Hadith App Follow_me

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Sahih Muslim -Complete Hadith App Follow_me

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Sahih Muslim -Complete Hadith App

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Sahih Muslim -Complete Hadith App Empty Sahih Muslim -Complete Hadith App

Post by iamqasim Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:09 pm

Sahih Muslim is second most authentic Hadith collection book. All Hadith are compiled by Imam Muslim. He serves his life for collecting Sahih (authentic) Hadith. He traveled all over the world and collected 300,000 Hadith and added 3000 Hadith about which he is sure about authenticity. Like original there is also smart phone app name “Sahih Muslim”. Sahih Muslim app is gift for those who want to learn the knowledge of Hadith. By having this app you can learn Hadith at any place any time without any problem.

Sahih Muslim -Complete Hadith App Sahih_Muslim


 Authentic and verified collection of Hadith narrator of each Hadith and chain is also mention.
 You can verify any Hadith if you have any confusion.
 Sahih Muslim has 57 books which are further divided into chapters according to the specific topic.
 You can bookmark any Hadith which you like and you want to use it for future reference.
 You can search any Hadith inside the app. you can search through word or reference of Hadith.
 Social Sharing feature allows you to share any Hadith among your social media friends.
 Sahih Muslim has attractive graphics and interface but if you want to customize the theme you can do it by changing font size color and background.

Age : 35
Posts : 23
Kepercayaan : Islam
Location : Islamabad
Join date : 22.12.14
Reputation : 5

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