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Islam BANNED in Angola Follow_me

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Islam BANNED in Angola

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Islam BANNED in Angola Empty Islam BANNED in Angola

Post by cain Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:49 am

Islam BANNED in Angola 24_-_Destroyed_mosque

While the constitution in Angola guarantees freedom of religion to all of its citizens, this right no longer seems to apply to the followers of the now banned religion of Islam. According to numerous newspapers in Angola, the African nation has banned the Islamic religion. It has become the first country in the world to take such a harsh stance against Muslims.

On November 22, the Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva said that “[t]he process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights [and so] their mosques would be closed until further notice.” Why the religion needs to be legalized has not been definitively stated by Cruz e Silva.

Cruz e Silva has also said that the closing of mosques is the most recent move in Angola’s effort to but a stop to so-called illegal religious sects. Under new laws in Angola, many religious sects have suddenly become criminal.

On November 24, Angola President José Eduardo dos Santos said that the country is working toward putting an end to Islamic influence in Angola once and for all. Again, there is no word of what or who has been influenced and why it needs to stop.

The Governor of Luanda, Bento Bento, has said that “radical” Muslims are not welcome in the country and that the Angolan government will not be legalizing mosques or other places of worship for Muslims.
Islam Banned in Angola

The African country of Angola’s citizens primarily practice indigenous religions. Recent surveys show that 47 percent adhere to traditional indigenous beliefs while another 38 percent of the population practice Roman Catholicism and 15 percent practice Protestantism.

The now banned religion of Islam is practiced by a very small percentage of the 18.5 million inhabitants of Angola. Only about 80,000-90,000 Angolans practice Islam. These Muslims are primary migrants from West Africa and Lebanon.

While the means of becoming a “legal religion” is Angola is not clear at this point, the government is very harshly cracking down on the illegal sects. Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva has made it known that there are nearly 200 different illegal religious sects in Angola so it is not just Islam that has been banned in Angola.

Rosa Cruz e Silva has also said that there are more than 1000 applications that have been submitted by religious groups in an effort to legalize their sects. Islamic groups have made up some percentage of these many applications but it is not clear when or if they will ever be approved. Rosa Cruz e Silva said that the legalization process of Islam has simply not been approved and, therefore, mosques must remain closed “until further notice.”

While some mosque could theoretically reopen again in the future, some are gone forever. After Angola banned Islam, one of the country’s few mosques had its minaret was taken down in October. The city of Zango had its only mosque completely destroyed after the ban as well.

By  Nicci Mende

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Islam BANNED in Angola Empty Re: Islam BANNED in Angola

Post by cain Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:14 pm

Pemerintah Angola resmi larang agama Islam dengan hancurkan masjid-masjid
Oleh Irfan Melodic on Monday, November 25, 2013 | 7:47 am

Islam BANNED in Angola Pemerintah+Angola+resmi+larang+agama+Islam+dengan+hancurkan+masjid-masjid

Proses penghancuran menara dan masjid Zengo di Angola Oktober 2013
Angola, - Menurut beberapa koran lokal, Angola telah menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang melarang Islam dan umat Islam, dengan menghancurkan masjid-masjid yang ada di neagara tersebut.

“Proses legalisasi agama Islam tidak disahkan oleh Kementrian Keadilan dan Hak Asasi Manusia, masjid-masjid di Angola akan ditutup sampai pemberitahuan selanjutnya,” tutur Rosa Cruz e Silva, Mentri Kebudayaan Angola sebagaimana dikutip oleh Agence Ecofin pada Jumat, 22 November 2013.

Pernyataan Silva tersebut disampaikan saat menghadiri pada Selasa lalu ke Musyawarah Komisi Nasional ke enam.

Silva menuturkan bahwa keputusan tersebut merupakan akhir dari serangkaian upaya pemerintah melarang agama 'ilegal.'

Menurutnya, tindakan tersebut dirasa perlu untuk melawan munculnya jamaah yang cara ibadahnya dianggap kontradiksi dengan adat istiadat budaya Angola.

Sama halnya dengan Islam, kepercayaan lain yang tidak disahkan oleh pemerintah Angola akan mendapati rumah ibadahnya juga ditutup.

"Semua sekte yang ada di daftar yang ditayangkan oleh Kementrian Keadilan dan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui koran Angola ‘Journal de Angola’ akan dilarang untuk melakukan peribadatan, maka tempat ibadah agama-agama tersebut harus tutup pintu," ucap Silva seperti dikutip oleh Cameroon Voice.

“Sebagai tambahan, kami juga memiliki daftar panjang yang berisi lebih dari seribu aplikasi pengesahan," tambahnya.

Terulang lagi

Komentar antiislam bukanlah hal baru di kalangan pejabat Angola.

“Ini adalah akhir dari pengaruh Islam di negara kita,” kata Presiden Jose Eduardo dos Santos seperti dikutip oleh Osun Defender pada Ahad, 24 November 2013.

Oktober silam, umat Islam dari kawasan Viana, Luanda, mendatangi proses peruntuhan menara Masjid Zengo yang biasa menjadi tempat mereka beribadah.

Gubernur provinsi Luanda, Bento Bento, berkata melalui siaran radio lokal bahwa ‘muslim radikal tidak diterima di Angola dan pemerintah Angola tidak siap untuk mengesahkan masjid-masjid.’

Dia menambahkan bahwa umat Islam tidak diterima di Angola dan pemerintah setempat tidak akan mengesahkan keberadaan masjid-masjid di negara tersebut.

Menurut catatan CIA, 47% rakyat Angola menganut kepercayaan lokal, 38% memeluk Kristen Katolik, dan 15% lainnya menganut Kristen Protestan.

Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan, kesabaran, dan pahala bagi saudara kita di Angola. (Onislam/Mukminun)

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