'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
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'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
'Jesus' may be the name of a Pagan God*
Below are some notes from research, read at your own risk:
(saya: link ini agaknya sudah kadalewarso -- maksud saya kadaluwarsa alias tidak bisa dipakai lagi..)
It is Yahshua, which means Yah is our salvation.
The latin-greek word 'Jesus' = Je-Zeus (hey-zoos).
Zeus or dios is the Greek Sun God, hence "Sun"day worship.
The real name for the messiah is Yahshuah.
"Soos" is Hebrew for "horse."
This Pagan name 'sus' is used in many name-endings like Tarsus, Pegasus, Dionysus, Parnassus, etc., to honor Zeus phonetically. The Greek name endings like sus, sous, and seus were employed to give honor to "Zeus."
"Sus" in Latin means "pig".
The Latin Deus and Greek Zeus sounded the same, because D and Z were both joined in a "DZ" sound.
The "Society", or the "Order" (Jesuits) promoted this false name, "Jesus", using Greek and mixing in the new letter, J.
Tthe word JESUS is some sort of total replacement device, probably used in order to appeal to the hearers of the name.
The Greeks' ambition was obviously to maintain the sound of some previously familiar name -- and since "koine" Greek was the language of the common people, the name Zeus was a natural choice to use.
In some places in the former Soviet Union, the name JESUS is spelled JEZUS, having come directly from the koine Greek.
Note: I'm told that At the UN building, there is only one statue: a colossus of Zeus posing naked.
The "chapel" of the UN building is operated by an organization known as Lucifer Trust, renamed recently Lucis Trust.
The meditation room has a huge image of the "All Seeing Eye" on the floor.
Clement of Alexandria trans-lettered the Name 'YHWH' from Hebrew into Greek using the following: IAOUE
The Name of our Messiah in the received Greek is written: IESOU and IESOUS.
The ending "S" is added because the Greek language requires male names to end in 's.'
The Question is, 'Why did they leave most proper names alone, but so badly botch the most important 2 names?
The book 'Come Out Of Her My People' shows how several ancient languages worshipped false deities under the names ESUS, ISIS, HESUS, and others.
Our Father`s name is YAHUAH and His son`s name is Yahshuah! (not Jesus.Jesus is a pagan name for the sun god jupiter.The "J" is only 500 yrs old. Jesus is actually pronounced Hey-Zoos!)
So, in Greek, the Name "JESUS" can mean "hail Zeus", or "son of Zeus".
It means nothing in Hebrew, the language it supposedly came from!
But, if you force it to mean anything, the closest it could come to any Hebrew word is "hey-horse", because "soos" is Hebrew for "horse".
The name Yeshua means "help" or "save", but the true Name "YAHUSHUA" means "YAH is our salvation".
The association with Zeus with the "sus" ending is possibly an intended distortion, made by Pagan copyists of long ago.
Zeus was sometimes depicted as a HORSE-MAN, or "centaur".
The old Babylonian /Egyptian signs of the Zodiac/Zoo beasts in the skies included a centaur holding a bow and arrow, called Sagittarius - this is really Nimrod, the mighty hunter.
He was known as Orion the hunter also.
BUt while they got the most important name totally screwed up, "satan" came across rather close to its original: shatan.
And the translators managed to get the name for the Yerushaliyim garbage dump correct also; but they just couldn't get the "Name above all names" right.
Komentar saya:
Agaknya, umat Kristen 'harus' mencari nama baru untuk sesembahannya.. kalau tidak, perdebatan antar umat Kristen sendiri pasti akan selalu muncul..
Pilihan sulit:
--Jika menggunakan nama Yesus = Jesus = Je Zeus, maka akan bermakna son of Zeus atau bisa juga bermakna hail Zeus (pendapat tulisan di atas).
--Masih dari atas, nama sesembahan itu bisa juga bermakna: "Jesus is a pagan name for the sun god jupiter"
--Jika menggunakan "YAHUSHUA" maka bermakna "YAH is our salvation" (pendapat tulisan di atas). Padahal, bagi yang pernah baca-baca kan tahu kalau 'YAH' nama Dewa Bulan jaman Mesir kuno..??!! So, "YAHUSHUA" akan berarti ............
--Jika menggunakan YahShu, maka akan semakin dalam memasuki kepercayaan Mesir kuno, karena Yah-Shu adalah dua nama dari Yah sang Dewa Bulan dan Shu sang Dewa Langit.
Milih mana hayoo....
Aya aya wae...
*Saya comot dari: http://yhvh.name/?w=1276
**Sepertinya ini berasal dari Kisah Para Rasul 4:12
Below are some notes from research, read at your own risk:
(saya: link ini agaknya sudah kadalewarso -- maksud saya kadaluwarsa alias tidak bisa dipakai lagi..)
It is Yahshua, which means Yah is our salvation.
The latin-greek word 'Jesus' = Je-Zeus (hey-zoos).
Zeus or dios is the Greek Sun God, hence "Sun"day worship.
The real name for the messiah is Yahshuah.
"Soos" is Hebrew for "horse."
This Pagan name 'sus' is used in many name-endings like Tarsus, Pegasus, Dionysus, Parnassus, etc., to honor Zeus phonetically. The Greek name endings like sus, sous, and seus were employed to give honor to "Zeus."
"Sus" in Latin means "pig".
The Latin Deus and Greek Zeus sounded the same, because D and Z were both joined in a "DZ" sound.
The "Society", or the "Order" (Jesuits) promoted this false name, "Jesus", using Greek and mixing in the new letter, J.
Tthe word JESUS is some sort of total replacement device, probably used in order to appeal to the hearers of the name.
The Greeks' ambition was obviously to maintain the sound of some previously familiar name -- and since "koine" Greek was the language of the common people, the name Zeus was a natural choice to use.
In some places in the former Soviet Union, the name JESUS is spelled JEZUS, having come directly from the koine Greek.
Note: I'm told that At the UN building, there is only one statue: a colossus of Zeus posing naked.
The "chapel" of the UN building is operated by an organization known as Lucifer Trust, renamed recently Lucis Trust.
The meditation room has a huge image of the "All Seeing Eye" on the floor.
Clement of Alexandria trans-lettered the Name 'YHWH' from Hebrew into Greek using the following: IAOUE
The Name of our Messiah in the received Greek is written: IESOU and IESOUS.
The ending "S" is added because the Greek language requires male names to end in 's.'
The Question is, 'Why did they leave most proper names alone, but so badly botch the most important 2 names?
The book 'Come Out Of Her My People' shows how several ancient languages worshipped false deities under the names ESUS, ISIS, HESUS, and others.
Our Father`s name is YAHUAH and His son`s name is Yahshuah! (not Jesus.Jesus is a pagan name for the sun god jupiter.The "J" is only 500 yrs old. Jesus is actually pronounced Hey-Zoos!)
So, in Greek, the Name "JESUS" can mean "hail Zeus", or "son of Zeus".
It means nothing in Hebrew, the language it supposedly came from!
But, if you force it to mean anything, the closest it could come to any Hebrew word is "hey-horse", because "soos" is Hebrew for "horse".
The name Yeshua means "help" or "save", but the true Name "YAHUSHUA" means "YAH is our salvation".
The association with Zeus with the "sus" ending is possibly an intended distortion, made by Pagan copyists of long ago.
Zeus was sometimes depicted as a HORSE-MAN, or "centaur".
The old Babylonian /Egyptian signs of the Zodiac/Zoo beasts in the skies included a centaur holding a bow and arrow, called Sagittarius - this is really Nimrod, the mighty hunter.
He was known as Orion the hunter also.
BUt while they got the most important name totally screwed up, "satan" came across rather close to its original: shatan.
And the translators managed to get the name for the Yerushaliyim garbage dump correct also; but they just couldn't get the "Name above all names" right.
Komentar saya:
Agaknya, umat Kristen 'harus' mencari nama baru untuk sesembahannya.. kalau tidak, perdebatan antar umat Kristen sendiri pasti akan selalu muncul..
Pilihan sulit:
--Jika menggunakan nama Yesus = Jesus = Je Zeus, maka akan bermakna son of Zeus atau bisa juga bermakna hail Zeus (pendapat tulisan di atas).
--Masih dari atas, nama sesembahan itu bisa juga bermakna: "Jesus is a pagan name for the sun god jupiter"
--Jika menggunakan "YAHUSHUA" maka bermakna "YAH is our salvation" (pendapat tulisan di atas). Padahal, bagi yang pernah baca-baca kan tahu kalau 'YAH' nama Dewa Bulan jaman Mesir kuno..??!! So, "YAHUSHUA" akan berarti ............
--Jika menggunakan YahShu, maka akan semakin dalam memasuki kepercayaan Mesir kuno, karena Yah-Shu adalah dua nama dari Yah sang Dewa Bulan dan Shu sang Dewa Langit.
Milih mana hayoo....
Aya aya wae...
*Saya comot dari: http://yhvh.name/?w=1276
**Sepertinya ini berasal dari Kisah Para Rasul 4:12
mistik6666- TUKANG BECAK
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Re: 'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
nama apapun bisa digothak-gathuk
mokamat -> modar karena makan tomat
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Re: 'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
Sebuah jawaban yang sangat "cerdas"..
mistik6666- TUKANG BECAK
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Re: 'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
apa nama 'mokamat' harus diganti
karena telah digothak-gathuk sebagai 'modar karena makan tomat'?
silakan diputuskan dengan cerdas!
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Re: 'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
kekanak-kanakan bgt seh letkol segorowedi......omonganmu dibaca ama prajurit lho
keroncong- KAPTEN
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Re: 'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
Ngapain di rubah2?? Enggak masalah tuh klo mereka mau ngomong gitu
Yang pasti memang tidak merujuk ke orang yang lain toh. Mau orang lain salah paham atau mau apapun terserah merekalah
Yang pasti memang tidak merujuk ke orang yang lain toh. Mau orang lain salah paham atau mau apapun terserah merekalah
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Re: 'Yesus' mungkin nama Tuhan Pagan
kalo kita baca dialog-dialog Yesus ketika akan disalib, silahkan baca teks Perjanjian Lama, terutama kitab puitis seperti Mazmur dan Kidung Agung. Itu dialognya dijiplak dari situ.
brandal edan- SERSAN DUA
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